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  1. R

    weight loss advice

    @tasha0921 Weight loss will never be linear. It comes in waves. Think of it as two steps forward, and one step back. There's always things that will cause your weight to fluctuate like hormones, sodium, etc.. Just keep doing what you're doing, get plenty of water, and weigh yourself the same...
  2. R

    How many weight I can lose in 3 months?

    @japel Depends on how fat you are, and how much willpower you have. Are you trying to do something sustainable, or are you in the GET THIS OFF ME NOW camp? A reasonable calorie deficit of 500 cals would usually net about 0.5-1lb a week. If you're all YOLO, you can look into PSMF. Be warned...
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    weight loss advice

    @tasha0921 Are you male or female? Have you been tracking all of your food and drink through an app? Are you making sure to weigh home cooked food properly?
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    I am too obsessed with fitness

    @galactic_wolf I'll leave you with one extremely important piece of advice; If you are natty, trying to "optimize" your testosterone levels is a complete waste of time. Enjoy your workouts, enjoy your drinks, and enjoy your friends. Build those memories. The gym will always be there, but your...
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    Do I have chance to become fit?

    @gamesbx By deciding you want to be fit, choosing a long term goal, choosing a workout plan that helps reach that goal, and consistency. Getting started is always easy because you're motivated. Maybe you watched a motivational video, saw a body transformation, or maybe you just pictured...