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  1. M

    I don’t understand the direction this sub has taken in the past months.

    @dawn16 Yeah, I saw that after I posted this. He doesn't seem natty. We can't tell unless we can find a way to measure his fat-free mass index. 27 is about where people can not continue to put on muscle without anabolics. Lat veins are usually a sign too Edit: did the math, he's got a ffmi of...
  2. M

    I don’t understand the direction this sub has taken in the past months.

    @darrendance I'm kinda confused, you're saying people are claiming natty when they're not? Are you aware there is a whole HUGE problem in the fitness industry that there are people that lie and people that are genetic anomalies. I haven't seen anyone claiming natural that didn't look natural in...
  3. M

    I don’t understand the direction this sub has taken in the past months.

    @ladywalsh I think it'd work, I haven't seen a single person I thought was lying. Maybe omitting, but why advertise that? There are other subs for that.
  4. M

    Seriously who said “vegans can’t be strong?”

    @fallenchristian Me too lol my dad's vegan and 68 and strong as fuck
  5. M

    Seriously who said “vegans can’t be strong?”

    @itsmeandylee There are plenty of examples of people who are strong without eating meat. Unfortunately, all of the world's strongest men and world record holders in powerlifting are not vegan. This will someday change, but it's not an easy thing. You have to be genetically gifted for those...