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  1. C

    When I gain muscle, I gain fat, and when I lose fat, I lose muscle. This is BS

    @silas0307 Continue lifting hard and heavy with volume at every stage LEAN bulk when bulking (like 200-300 excess calories a day max) REALLY increase protein intake when cutting (like 1.5-2g/lb) and make sure you continue lifting hard /thread
  2. C

    How do I get my cardio/running heart rate down? I already run slowly

    @zambieboy How much do you weigh? Have you tried following MAF method? Mix slow and high intensity training
  3. C

    I achieved the pistol squat on my left leg after 0.5 years of training!

    @marathigoodboy Damn congrats, took me 0.5734 years
  4. C

    Has anybody else just gotten sick of protein?

    @kenhui Working out is about discipline I consume 2 scoops of vegan protein every single morning, have done so for almost 5 years Gotta do what you gotta do