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    Internalized misogyny and sports?

    @monty58 There are 100% family and cultural issues affecting me. I grew up with a narrative that cis men's genitals and superior strength justify their gender roles, and these physical aspects are why young women have to be afraid of being raped by men and ending up pregnant. It's taken me a...
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    Internalized misogyny and sports?

    @melody7 Sure. "The Brutal Legacy of the Muscular Christian Movement", an article explaining how games went from being something considered vulgar and lower class to being how upper class European men demonstrated their "sportmanship" and thus superiority over women, the lower classes, and the...
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    Internalized misogyny and sports?

    @yowan Absolutely it's so hard to let go of that competitive mindset taught in school. I'm a historian so it's been very helpful to actually pick up books about the history of modern sports and how all this competition, misogny, fatphobia, racism, etc came to be involved with them. E.g. the...
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    Internalized misogyny and sports?

    @jvosteen Definitely going to talk about it with my therapist! She's great at helping me identify when I don't realize I'm being triggered by something from the past.
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    Internalized misogyny and sports?

    @pedro038 You're so lucky you had a supportive dad!
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    Internalized misogyny and sports?

    @lizav This feels extremely familiar, specifically how social institutions are built to support male sports but so few are built to support women's sports. Thanks for sharing your experience, this is exactly the kind of thing I wanted to hear about. And maybe you have asthma!!!
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    Internalized misogyny and sports?

    @sameertyagi Uhhhhh I'm rather concerned you've never had to think about patriarchal narratives considering the widespread sexual abuse in the army + how famous the US army is for sexual abuse in deployment, but 🤐
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    Internalized misogyny and sports?

    @ladydimples Even my very traditional mother used to tell me the same thing - "men are built to be strong right now but women are built to endure". I'm glad you reminded me of that and how the "competition" mindset also reeks of internalized ableism.
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    Internalized misogyny and sports?

    @jaxon13 Yup I was raised in a conservative household and society with a lot of policing + sexualization of women's bodies and sports. Because of that, I was expecting to maybe feel "sexual" when undressing to exercise, or to feel hyper-aware of the male gaze. But I didn't feel that way -...
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    Internalized misogyny and sports?

    @tristan401 Not really, I think there are some lurking haters in the comments.
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    Internalized misogyny and sports?

    @tristan401 Super interesting, thanks for sharing an AFAB nb perspective!
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    Internalized misogyny and sports?

    @jcphan47 Thanks so much for your perspective. On another sub I talked to another queer trans woman about struggling with the social association between men/masculinity, strength, and rape/harm to women. It's tough!
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    Internalized misogyny and sports?

    @paigerific87 If you're asking in good faith - I actually did gain quite literally 50 pounds recently after addressing my high cholesterol, going to therapy, and starting various meds. I feel absolutely amazing - my skin and hair are shining, my blood results are great, my cholesterol is low, I...
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    Internalized misogyny and sports?

    Tl:dr; Has anyone else had to seriously unlearn a lot of patriachal or misogynistic narratives about sports and the female vs male body in order to enjoy exercise? E.g. have you found that engaging in your favored forms of exercise sometimes brings up unconcious triggers based in internalized...