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  1. C

    Opinion on a routine :)

    @chriscrossan I train in a somewhat "unorganized" way. I try to follow some schemes, but in the end, I tend to train a bit by feel, sometimes pushing myself more and other times, when I feel weaker, doing less. What I value most is training frequently and avoiding injuries. That's why I train in...
  2. C

    Opinion on a routine :)

    I would like to know your opinion. My goal is to be able to perform the 'armour building complex' with two 40 kg kettlebells. Currently, I am working with two 32 kg kettlebells. Today, for example, I did: 5 minutes: 2 x 24 kg row + clean + squat + press 25 minutes: 2 x 32 kg: row + clean +...