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  1. M

    Can doing less *really* lead to more results?

    @0st It just depends on what you’re doing right now and how it’s effecting your diet. Are you hitting the gym daily and doing lots of cardio? The extra energy expenditure will trigger a need for more calories & consumption. Then your weight may not move much. Or are you hitting the gym daily...
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    Getting a gym membership today and I’m already anxious and embarrassed

    @joanie59 If you can afford a few sessions with a personal trainer that could really help you gain confidence in a gym. Trainers are so great at teaching form and how to use machines. As well as reps/sets and how to split up your workout.
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    Internalized misogyny and sports?

    @mmdia82 Flexibility & stamina are easy to ace for you because these are women’s strengths!!!! Go to the gym & put a man through the same stretching or mobility routine & he’ll struggle and fumble vs the woman. Same with stamina. You can have an hour long cardio group fitness class & women will...
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    Is 2-3 minutes between sets too long? I keep getting rude looks from guys at the gym..

    @1stbrownhorse If they’re pacing and hovering, it’s because they’re simply impatient and want their turn quickly. Do not project that insecurity of “they think I’m not of equal worth because I don’t lift as heavy as them” If they thought that, it may have been said. Don’t perpetuate that idea...
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    “A woman shouldn’t be doing an Arnold split.”

    @jimjam Nothing wrong with it at all. In fact I would say a woman is in a better position to do an Arnold Split than a man!!! This is based on research that shows that women recovery faster than men both in between sets and in between workouts. So we have a higher pain tolerance and a lower rate...
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    Internalized misogyny and sports?

    @jessyr I’m not sure where you live or what you’ve gone through that has shaped this feeling you have. Some women do truly feel empowered by being a woman and enjoy femininity. It’s all about perspective & experience
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    Internalized misogyny and sports?

    @lorial Women are for strength too. Men used to go out for hunts & kill huge animals together. Women worked all day long gathering supplies and working in the villages with 1-2 babies strapped to their backs. Women nursed their children while they worked. Humans were this way for a very very...
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    Dr. Mike on male/female training differences

    @intermediary Have you watched the video? It’s actually really great.
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    teen girl intimidated by mostly-male strength training class

    @jrsinct I was in your position!!! In high school I signed up for weight training. There were probably 30 guys and 4 girls. I wasn’t friends with the girls. I was also scrawny, 5’4, 105lbs. It helped that my coaches were really great and supportive. I ended up learning so much about lifting in...
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    Did anybody stop short of their weight loss goals because they realized they liked their body at a higher weight?

    @wedemars Preferences change. Especially now that you’re older 125lbs may feel more mature or grown up compared to your physique at 110-115lbs.
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    Is it appropriate for a coach to physically correct you?

    @kingshellie I’m a female trainer and I do touch my clients a lot to give them feedback and correct form. It really can just be so much quicker, and more integrative than explaining & demonstrating. I work with a male trainer and he touches me a lot. I don’t feel uncomfortable with it because...