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  1. H

    Vegan meal plan: 1 day - 2,079 cal and 94.5g protein on a budget without protein powder or hemp/chia/other superfoods etc. (crosspost /r/xxfitness)

    @samueldob get an Instant pot. dried beans, rice and baked potatoes. consider a Hemp or pea protein smoothie instead of snacks. BCAAs if you lift
  2. H

    My personal trainer pushing me to eat SO much protein!!! How do we agree to disagree!?!?

    @cindyfernandez I would maybe up it to 84 grams, but only on training days. The fact that you are using CHRONOMETER at all means you are mindful of your macros. Unless you are powerlifting or competing in a bodybuilding competition, I would respectfully tell this person to piss off. Google...
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    Too much iron and fiber

    @dw1989 well, at least we still have Patrick Baboumian to look up to
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    Too much iron and fiber

    @dw1989 noooo!!!!! performance enhancing drugs? well sht
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    Too much iron and fiber

    @plsletmevanish yes. of course! my hero is Nimai Delgado. he is shredded at 180 lbs and only eats maybe 130-150 grams of vegan protein
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    Too much iron and fiber

    @plsletmevanish ok. sorry i must of read that wrong. 1.8 per kg lean body weight is my max. fiber and bloat is an issue for sure and that quantity of iron might affect the viscosity of your blood? i’ve never actually heard of a vegan with too much iron (heme or otherwise) but vegan athletes...
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    Too much iron and fiber

    @plsletmevanish protein itself can lead to GI issues. ask yourself if you actually need 300% more protein to meet your fitness goals