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  1. C

    Long-term program circulation/rest periods/KBOMG1

    @vishalhost Glad I could help. For active rest, yes light complexes, mace, clubs, whatever… think of it more as “play” or “practice”, don’t push yourself too hard, and you’ll be good to go.
  2. C

    Long-term program circulation/rest periods/KBOMG1

    @vishalhost The man himself has been summoned so he’ll be here shortly, but I’ll add my 2 cents. Rest or deload periods are usually after about 4-8 weeks of training, maybe more if you’re receiving coaching and they’re closely monitoring you. So yes, after a full program cycle is a good time...
  3. C

    5x5 w/ KBs

    @missingthemark Just to be clear here yes like Lenny has said, hypertrophy can occur in rep ranges of 5-30 or even 40… BUT usually the most efficient use of time and energy will absolutely be in the 5-12 rep range. You’re not wrong, just not entirely correct. Hypertrophy depends much more on...
  4. C

    Opinion on a routine :)

    @confundido It’d be tough to give you suggestions if you choose to train in an unorganized way. To reach a goal it’s best to take a methodical approach.
  5. C

    Opinion on a routine :)

    @confundido We would need a lot more information, for example how many reps can you do in the allotted time, have you increased the time or # of reps over the past few weeks? And what determines when you can move up to the 40s? Why not just use them now? If you can do high pulls with the 40s...