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  1. H

    Vegan Bodybuilding Possible>? Twin Observational "Experiment"

    @coffeedrinker I was not aware of that. How would you get enough iron in this situation? Is there enough of it in leafy vegetables alone?
  2. H

    Vegan Bodybuilding Possible>? Twin Observational "Experiment"

    @raymondven Yeah, the accutane treatment seems to be a recurring concern. I didn't include this in the video, but my brother and I both were on it, and he actually started it 1 month prior to me and he had slightly worse hormonal cystic acne. I had blood test done monthly by the doctor due to...
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    Vegan Bodybuilding Possible>? Twin Observational "Experiment"

    @1hope4all Interesting, I did not know that about Seitan, quite possible. With regards to beans, yeah I will try that. It's the gas that really gets me... haha. Yeah there are lots of things I see no harm in continuing with. I'm still not eating dairy and eggs. I'm trying to primarily get my...
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    Vegan Bodybuilding Possible>? Twin Observational "Experiment"

    @one12man Yup was on accutane the whole time, my brother started his treatment a month before I did. I did not track all my food, the only conditions were (i) bulk as we would normally; and (ii) meet 150g - 200g of protein; the reasoning here is that this is what most normal people would do. If...
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    Vegan Bodybuilding Possible>? Twin Observational "Experiment"

    Hey Guys - My twin brother and I decided to go on a 7-month vegan vs. meat bodybuilding experiment and I'm sharing my results here (I couldn't find any conclusive twin studies outside of people who transitioned and had good results. For example, I couldn't see what the results could have been...