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    Experienced lifters, how much do you b/s/d? Either 1 RM or typical training weights

    @frbrian I'm 38, have been lifting for four years, 18 months seriously. Lifts are 1RM. Bodyweight: roughly 140-145lbs Height: 5'7 Bench: 150.7 Deadlift: 236.5 Squat: 205.7
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    Do you guys have opinions on Wendler's "North of the V**" concept?

    @cheapwifey You told a woman which words to use about her own body and why she can't use the one that she chose. You can't tell people what they're allowed to think about their own bodies and expect that to fly.
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    Do you guys have opinions on Wendler's "North of the V**" concept?

    @cheapwifey Why does it have to be a positive word? Not every woman, including this one, feels positively about having full hips or a large cleavage. That sort of figure isn't a goal for me in any way. Also, I just finished a three month cut and lost 10.5kgs. For about half that time I ate...
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    German gymnastics team, tired of 'sexualisation,' wears unitards at Tokyo Olympics

    Considering the way that female gymnasts have been sexualised in the past and the horrific crimes of Larry Nassar in the United States, I think this is a fantastic step forward. I hope that other countries take this up, or at least give female gymnasts the option of wearing a unitard moving...
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    Study: Back Squat produces better glute growth than hip thrust

    @jsmithcavs 50 Shades of Squats
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    Does body recomposition actually work?

    @_marc97 Recomp definitely works, I'm living, walking proof of it. However, the recomp I did three years ago was over the course of a year, and I was eating 1gm protein per pound of bodyweight, and lifting heavy five to six times a week. it's a long and slow process. If you're looking for...
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    [Race Report] Cowtown Half: I bled through my pants so you don’t have to

    @wanderedhome Well done, you're amazing!
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    Half Marathon + Powerlifting Meet Write-Up

    @mcooperiii Amazing!!
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    Why you should pay attention to your Menstrual Cycle as a woman - A breakdown of "The Women's Book Vol 1" by Lyle Mcdonald /w Eric Helms

    @guanacodude Mine comes when it wants to come, not at any time in particular and is so short and painless thanks to the strong birth control that I'm on that I really don't need to pay it any mind at all.
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    Gym employee hit on me and asked for my number.. do I mention how uncomfortable that makes me to a different manager?

    @pompster2 Many women are so thoroughly sick of being asked out in every inappropriate circumstance that I can agree that sometimes the responses go too far. As a mod I've removed a number of them in this thread alone. But people are fully able to pick the right time and place to ask someone...
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    Gym employee hit on me and asked for my number.. do I mention how uncomfortable that makes me to a different manager?

    @pompster2 I believe you and I may have to disagree on this point.
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    lifting programs that DEMAND you eat like it's your job?

    @skilletboy I mean, lots of volume and weekly progression is exactly the sort of program that requires you to eat like it's your job.
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    lifting programs that DEMAND you eat like it's your job?

    @skilletboy Have you reviewed the lifting programs in the FAQ?
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    What does 2000 calories look like to you?

    @rue77 You're eating a really really small amount of fat. I would really consider increasing that to at least one gram per kilo of bodyweight.
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    worried about pelvic floor strength

    @mehgyn Why thank you!
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    No A/C at gym- I feel crazy

    @ericanicolee I'm someone who is fine working out in the heat (Australian here), but I really cannot bear working out in the cold. So, I kinda feel the opposite of your pain. If you're not attached to this gym for specific reasons, I would leave. It's so unpleasant to work out in an...