@giddeon82 Same for me but not quite as intense, I’d go often and I’d go hard and take on any “21 day challenge” (and the likes of them.) Cue to me just over a year into regular training and I’m on my third (mild) injury waiting to see how long this will take to let me start lifting again...
@mrnarthex Likely nothing at all, rather than relying on scales instead get a measuring tape and look at what’s changing in that regard. I did a 28 day challenge where we measured once a week and followed a meal plan with our work outs and I believe I put on physical weight in the form of muscle...
@twinmama This was perfect thankyou, I’d already been starting with negatives because of something else I’d seen but this just reaffirms everything! Motivated to get back into it once I’m off the injury bench!