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  1. M

    Help me fix this pull day

    @vaden30 Bro split is meant to introduce more volume per body part, in the form of prioritising heavy exercises that bias the muscles of that day and then doing more isolation. For example, in shoulder day, military press and upright rows are maybe the two main heavy compounds, where in a PPL or...
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    Help me fix this pull day

    @vaden30 Yeah, lol, definitely 😂😂😂 But I don't think that I (not any natural lifter) needs that much volume per muscle to do a bro split. I'm prone to an shoulders&arms day, and even I could then mix chest with back and go full Arnold style, but that's something I need to look more in depth.
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    Top 10 exercises

    @victorcourville 1.Bulgarian split squat/Lunges (glute focus) 2.Hack Squats 3.Seated leg curl That's for legs, then: Incline press (would choose dumbbells for movement freedom but as you increase weight, you lose ROM, so the variation of incline press that suits you) Close grip lat pulldown...
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    Help me fix this pull day

    @overcoming1 Vertical pulls are already 6 sets. 2 for close grip, 2 for wide grip, 2 for pullovers.
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    Are those Hammer Strength chest machines worthwhile for hypertrophy?

    @jenallison Some people simply lack leverage in their bodies to use the pecs as main pushing muscle in horizontal motions so tension goes more than desired to front delts and triceps. Usually, when these kind of individuals end up being bodybuilders, one can see how much overdeveloped their...
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    Help me fix this pull day

    @stallions No, no. I asked for advice on some specific matter, and he responded me with some cultist beliefs without adding explanation. PPL once a week may be sub optimal (but I've grown with that and I've seen others grow with that), but is way more optimal than fullbody 3x. I'm growing more...
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    Are those Hammer Strength chest machines worthwhile for hypertrophy?

    @knowledgeisnotignorant There's a lot of people that are very shoulder dominant and struggle to make their pecs participate in the majority of the pushing motion as they're supposed to. Convergent machines are better than barbells or even dumbbells for that people.
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    Help me fix this pull day

    @gladventist I already do this. That's the problem. I spend a lot of time in the gym even doing that. The other ones I could try.
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    With progressive overload, do you guys increase the reps on your last set or your first set?

    @alexander5106954665 No problem. I would like to thank the subreddit user that taught me that like a year ago or so if I could remember his name.
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    Help me fix this pull day

    @gladventist I heard the fullbody prescription a lot of times. A damn lot. It's a religion, a fashion, something temporary that will disappear in a couple years just as the powerlifting focused and the 3 basics religion disappeared form the hypertrophy scene back in the 2015-17. It's a cult...
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    With progressive overload, do you guys increase the reps on your last set or your first set?

    @alexander5106954665 Do the dynamic double progression. Here's a video on it: Once you're advanced enough you might find useful to reduce it to 2 sets per exercise (increasing number of exercises), with the Top Set-Back Off schedule.
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    Help me fix this pull day

    @gladventist Another one with the fullbody religion. Full body is not better than any other splits. In fact, is probably worse since you can't express enough intensity for almost any muscle, cause you have to train it again literally 2 days later. And since I practise a sport where I use the...
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    Help me fix this pull day

    @gladventist Push, pull, legs, once a week each. I practise other sports.
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    With progressive overload, do you guys increase the reps on your last set or your first set?

    @hopelessfool That's the double progression. Somebody in this sub recommended me the DYNAMIC double progression (Sean Nalewanyj has a video on it), which I found leads to faster results. Applying it to your scheme, it would consist on add weight once you reach the rep goal on a certain set...
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    Help me fix this pull day

    @dove44 How would you structure the two upper days?
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    Help me fix this pull day

    @dove44 Going between machines is no problem since I basically train in an old bunker-like gym in the middle of a "forest area" which has the barely minimum required. There's no machines, just cables, barbells, plates, dumbbells (and not very heavy ones)... It's not that much volume, 11 sets...
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    Help me fix this pull day

    Couple days ago, it was my pull day which consisted in: • Close neutral grip lat pulldown, 2 sets, 8-10 reps • Wide grip pronated low cable (gironda) row for upper back, 3 sets, 8-10 reps • Single arm low cable row, narrow trajectory for lats: 2 sets, 8-10 reps, last set to failure • Wide...
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    4 day split VS bro split

    @lostsoul_ As a natural, I don't think anyone needs that much specific focus on any body part, cause it might be too much volume. For example, shoulders: front delts are just covered by the pushing motions you perform, specially if you're doing military press, then add 2 maximum exercises for...
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    Losing the dad bod

    @wayne1980 Focus on lose the fat first, but since you're an untrained individual, you can gain muscle and lose far at high rates quickly. If that's your only equipment, get a bench, at least, and lear about exercising to find out what more stuff you need. But bodyweight exercises can be fine for...