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  1. P

    Which documentaries or videos helped motivate you greatly in taking health/fitness seriously?

    @savedsue How Not to Die by Michael Greger is great for dietary motivations to eat your fruits and veggies Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker will make you consider actually prioritising sleep - it's one area I feel like a lot of people neglect a little, but your body does all it's best repairing...
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    A ~3.5 year fitness journey from off the fitness wagon altogether, to runner, to lifter

    @chosenmessenger That picture is at the end of the marathon cycle so i'm gonna guess it wasn't specifically intended before lifting (as she says the lifting switch was more like being burnt out on running), so the physique is just the typical result of long distance running. Much as I love my...
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    How long can it take to see significant improvement in cardio endurance?

    @kmar123 Few months of running felt noticeably better. I would say the trick to running is to go as slow as physically possible at the start, barely above a brisk walk. If you can't do more than 5 mins you're probably thinking "running" too literally like you have to try go fast, just the...
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    I feel like I’m bulking wrong and don’t know what to do?

    @retropod Yes if you're not pushing yourself at some pace then you're going to get less than you'd expect out of a bulk. If you don't aim for regular progression you will end up spinning your wheels. It's commonly why its suggested people follow set training programs, as it guides progression...
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    I don’t want to give up, but I feel like I’m doing it all wrong

    @jennifaith Yeah the activity bit is where most people go wrong, they estimate too high. I would always pick the lower if you're going for weight loss - in your case no more than "lightly active" (often listed as 1-2 times a week). Moderately active was only true for me running 20-25 mpw with a...
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    APT=no glute activation!

    @webstranger One thing I learnt from my physio about clam shells is if you're struggling with this that you can keep your whole body inline and have your legs behind and do it that way (basically push your hips forward) - without the usual angle most people do it with it's a lot harder for your...
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    I don’t want to give up, but I feel like I’m doing it all wrong

    @jennifaith Yes, you're a little impatient. I mean, you basically can't have your cake and eat it, but I would say for your goals and desires I'd stick with a small deficit and keep lifting (so no more than the 1900). Until your lifts start stalling you'll be fine. This assumes your TDEE is...
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    Gym-ing for months but not improving weights?

    @rania To add to the other comments re. inefficiency/eating enough.. Single arm exercises with dumbbells might be a better idea for you looking at what you're doing, as a thought. Single arm is more demanding, but the dumbbells will also let you go up in smaller steps also because it looks...
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    What does 2000 calories look like to you?

    @dawn16 The 400g of chicken, a protein shake, and a protein bar makes up the bulk of it looking at that. Beans/legumes, nuts and seeds, lentil and pea flour pastas, fish, meats, quinoa, added protein options (cereal etc.), can get more seedy/nutty breads, peanut butter, Greek yogurt and Skyr...
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    What does 2000 calories look like to you?

    @rue77 I can easily tank 800 kcal in snacks throughout the day so even if I make lighter meals it's easily done. I graze! Easy to eat a lot of cereal inc nuts/seeds on a morning (sadly about 500-600 kcal), otherwise Greek yogurt with peanut butter (probably 400-450 kcal, often add some nuts...
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    DEXA Results | 1Yr Update: Progression is not Linear (29F/5’0/24.5% > 19.8% > 20.7%)

    @wordsbyj A specific weight is all going to depend on what type of mass. 10 lbs of fat does look noticeably different, but if that's 5-10 lbs of muscle then she's probably gonna have some very visible definition If you're going to put on muscle I think automatically you need to be willing to be...
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    Here’s body fat percentage results for someone who has never worked out

    @toliver Does the whole idea of what essential fat mass / minimum healthy bf% not account for this sort of thing though? Presumably this is in the "essential fat" category? Which would correlate in a way to what you're saying about 5%ish because male essential bf is around 5% (the additional...
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    [25 F] 59kg 168cm (130lbs 5'6") 24%BF dexa scan - To bulk or cut?

    @therosary9 Your weight is fairly spot on and your fat levels are good. You're more just undermuscled for what you want to achieve so you definitely shouldn't be targeting a cut. I'd probably eat around maintenance and work on your lifts, you should see some reasonable progress on fat reduction...
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    [25 F] 59kg 168cm (130lbs 5'6") 24%BF dexa scan - To bulk or cut?

    @michellegen34 bf% is a percentage basically that is your fat relative to lean/other mass. Two people can weigh the same but have vastly different bf% because of the ratio of fat and muscle. DEXA is one of the most accurate ways to determine what kind of mass you have. A high bodyfat% does not...