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  1. M

    Routine check: I've split the recommended routine to a P/P/L with a few added excersises

    @wexcellent The movement is the same i guess, just imagine doing them with the body forming a 45deg angle with the floor (and hands on ropes about waist height when in the upper position). Basically a lightweight variant of that :)
  2. M

    Routine check: I've split the recommended routine to a P/P/L with a few added excersises

    @pjimbo Forgot to mention it's 6x a week, 2 series of p/p/l each.
  3. M

    Routine check: I've split the recommended routine to a P/P/L with a few added excersises

    @dawn16 I'll try to make some form of a proper weight, the idea with the ziplock bags sounds quite nice as it can be adjusted. My routine seems fine by me, and results, as in being able to do more reps of some of the exercises are there. However, my primary concern with my routine was missing...
  4. M

    Routine check: I've split the recommended routine to a P/P/L with a few added excersises

    @dawn16 A goblet squat is basically a squat while holding weight if i got it right, so it might be doable (the chairs are decently heavy :D ). Would an alternative to removing the push exercise be adding another pull? (no idea what to add tbh, just a thought)
  5. M

    Routine check: I've split the recommended routine to a P/P/L with a few added excersises

    @dawn16 What leg exercise would you recommend? I'm slightly limited by equipment though (my equipment consists of two chairs, a wall, and a pull up bar with some rope hanging off it :D ) The push exercise is supposed to be simulating what you'd get from a cable fly exercise, which started as a...
  6. M

    Routine check: I've split the recommended routine to a P/P/L with a few added excersises

    @dawn16 Any ideas if i need too keep up angling the push-ups? Basically, my idea with adding the wide push-ups was getting a chest exercise at an angle (therefore the feet elevation), and going from there, since i already had normal push-ups, i went with the wide ones.
  7. M

    Routine check: I've split the recommended routine to a P/P/L with a few added excersises

    @dawn16 Wide pushups are in addition to the regular ones (which would progress to diamond), mainly because my chest is a problem area (went from moobs to saggy moobs with a bit of muscle on top and i'm trying to fill it out as best as possible :D ). At the moment it's not hindering me in doing...
  8. M

    Routine check: I've split the recommended routine to a P/P/L with a few added excersises

    As the title says, i've recently split(switched) the sidebar routine (3 days) for a p/p/l variation of it. I've been doing the recommended routine for a year at the point of the switch (not as effective as it might sound, first 1-2 months i basically had no clue what i was doing, lost a total of...