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  1. M

    To my 5’3 girls, what’s your maintenance calories?

    @timothy1212 The key is to not focus on fluctuations. I only consider adjusting calories once per week, and my food selection is largely the same, so my weight only fluctuates within about half a pound (except for during my period, where it can flux between three pounds.) Glycogen is also...
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    To my 5’3 girls, what’s your maintenance calories?

    @timothy1212 You can use any TDEE calculator to get an estimate. You go from there, and if you gain, decrease intake. If you lose, increase your intake. If you're weight stable, then you've hit maintenance. There's a TDEE spreadsheet floating around that you can use, and also stuff like...
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    How many fats do I need in a day?

    @myfavoritepa The recommendation depends on who you ask since there's no consensus based on literature, but the Academy for Nutrition and Dietetics recommends 20-35% of your intake from fats. It really varies from person to person.
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    How do I eat more?

    @langley7 Muscle mass is a really big factor, but so is overall lifestyle. Is this person working an active job? Do they move around a lot in their typical day? What does their training look like? And do they honest-to-god track every morsel? I personally tend to take other people's numbers...
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    I’ve started exercising for 2 weeks but have weighed more than ever?

    @pemuoi96 I would really dial in on tracking. You may think that you're eating the same, but a few bites here and there outside of "normal" can really add up if you're petite.
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    I’ve started exercising for 2 weeks but have weighed more than ever?

    @pemuoi96 How consistently are you tracking calories? A bit of weight gain when introducing exercise is fairly normal, but after a few weeks of continued gains, it raises some red flags that something else is awry.
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    Therapist wants me to accept myself at a bigger size

    @66bookssss I agree that you should be able to accept yourself at a bigger size. You should be able to have the self compassion to accept yourself at any size. There's a big difference between wanting to lose weight because you can't accept yourself in a larger body vs. wanting to lose weight...
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    16 Months to get a revenge body

    @aspatat HIRE 👏 A 👏 COACH 👏 Seriously. You get to have a knowledgeable and objective third party make those tougher decisions for you. Having someone in your corner to give you macros and a training program is the best because you don't have to stress. You just execute.
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    Is 1600 calories a good deficit?

    @perviasrectas Try it for a few weeks and see! It sounds like a good plan to me. You can always adjust later if your loss is too fast/slow.
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    Opinions on calories - going from weight loss to building muscle

    @lmg633 This playlist on YouTube might be of use to you. I find his info to be pretty spot on for me.
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    I am so mad at myself for not strength training sooner

    @slant Honestly, same. I was a cardio/pilates girly through and through for so long. It was fine -- I looked fine, I felt fine. But you're telling me I could have gotten the aesthetic I wanted by picking up heavy things and eating more?? It boggles the mind. I hated cardio, but I did it...
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    Please help! Frustrated with myself concerning eating habits

    @krae991 Omg thank you! 🥺 And good luck on your journey!
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    Please help! Frustrated with myself concerning eating habits

    @krae991 I also have a hella sweet tooth and found that eating protein first keeps me satiated so that I don't really crave sweets as much. I also just don't keep sweet treats at my house. I kind of have this deal with myself that if I want something, I can go to the store and get it, but I'm...
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    Sometimes…it just comes down to grit🤷🏾‍♀️

    @jodi1028 With physique goals especially, I feel like the goals people have in mind don't match the effort they're willing to give. It's fine if you're not wanting to go balls to the wall. But with that, you gotta have the expectation that you're not going to look like your...
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    5'1, 24, 118lbs, muscle atrophy starting journey! Exercise advice wanted, please!

    @daniel4confusion Lots of things to unpack here, but I'm definitely of the "seek a professional" camp. The biggest red flag I'm seeing is that your goal is to lose weight until you boost muscle. That's not how that works. With added muscle mass, you're going to weigh more, full stop...
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    How do you all prioritize sleep especially for night owls/insomniacs?

    @bandarbo Honestly I charge my phone in the bathroom, so I don't really have the option of being on my phone at night. I do that because I had a few incidents of turning my morning alarm off in my sleep instead of snoozing lol.
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    How do you all prioritize sleep especially for night owls/insomniacs?

    @bandarbo As someone who had insomnia for the longest time, the thing that "cured" me was switching jobs. I used to work crazy mixed hours, sometimes with less than 4 hours between shifts, and it really fucked up my sleep schedule. As soon as I started working a normal day job, it kind of...
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    Cardio vs weights.. what my dietitian recommended

    @kroglk51 Dieticians are not exercise scientists so I find it a little odd that your dietician gave you a fitness prescription at all. The AHA recommends 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week for overall health and longevity. I would start there and keep your strength training. 🤷‍♀️...
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    Advice as a 24 y/o lifelong dieter

    @falconeye I might be going against the grain here, but you don't have to count calories. I'll say 1) find an activity you like and consistently do it and 2) focus on getting protein at every single meal. Hate cooking? Me too. Pop into the store and buy some pre-cooked chicken breasts in the...