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  1. H

    Logical follow-up program to Geoff's 12-week Muscle-Building Kettlebell Master-Plan

    @kennedy Hi! Things are going great :) I've had more of a barbell emphasis in my training the last month and a half, and am within 1kg of a bodyweight overhead press. I also managed to snatch a 40 and press double 40s on the 30th and 31st of December. A New Year's miracle! I'll build up my...
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    Apply Giant 3.0 to pullups and dips

    @whitney5388 I didn't run it as a complex, but as supersets: 30' The Giant for double snatch: snatch (The Giant reps) superset with burpees and chinups 30' The Giant superset with chinups 30' The Giant for front squats superset with 2x32 swings and situps (Although squats + swings was run kind...
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    The Giant 1.0 in the books... how did I do?

    @applekrate That's some great rep totals! The cool thing is that 1.1 and 1.2 will slap you in the face with higher rep sets. It's almost like 1.0 builds a base, and then you peak with 1.1 and 1.2.
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    How do y'all do KB swings and Heavy weight training?

    @antponetteoaks This is an excellent way to do it. As long as you can recover, more is better. Extra work between sets and in extra little workouts (swings morning, lifting evening or vice versa) is great.
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    Logical follow-up program to Geoff's 12-week Muscle-Building Kettlebell Master-Plan

    @kennedy That's another option. A PT will often be happy to help you get more active, so you can probably get some good advice there. If I have limited ROM for something I'll usually work on that (static and dynamic stretches), and then do some strength work in the ROM that's available to me...
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    Apply Giant 3.0 to pullups and dips

    @whitney5388 Not for 3.0, but I just did 1.0-1.2 for double snatch, double C&P and double kb front squat, back to back in the same workouts, superset with other cool stuff. It worked really well for all 3 exercises. I'm sure it can work for pullups and dips too - although I prefer the majority...
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    Logical follow-up program to Geoff's 12-week Muscle-Building Kettlebell Master-Plan

    @kennedy 8 presses with the 28s is pretty good! If I were to guess you'd probably have like a 65kg barbell press within a week or two of barbell training. My experience with jerks is still limited, but for C&P I'm such a big fan of The Giant. The Giant 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 are 4-week blocks meant...
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    Do light workouts have benefit?

    @mainten84 Absolutely. Especially if it doesn't stand alone. Depending on your schedule, you can push hard on days off and just do some easy work on more stressful days.
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    The science behind the warmup

    @jermyn I like your idea of progressing on the warmups. It's all a matter of degrees. If you can barely do a single pullup, it may make sense to do some stuff before that. But if you're doing weighted pullups and your max is 50% added weight, bodyweight pullups are a warmup. One man's max is...
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    Logical follow-up program to Geoff's 12-week Muscle-Building Kettlebell Master-Plan

    @kennedy What's the time limit for your workouts? What are your C&P and front squat maxes at various weights?
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    zone 2 & zone 5 training with KB's (instead of a bike!)

    @brownie Sure, at least for a time. I remain convinced that there are unique benefits to doing actual cardio, but focusing on kb based programming for a while can also help you get more out of your cardio once you get back to that. For example, I did a bunch of double kb snatches, C&P, front...
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    Long term program

    @byhisgrace63 On 10k swings you'd do the same amount of swings in ~30 days as you do in 20 weeks on S&S. Don't worry about the swing volume. You could run The Giant 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 multiple times back to back with increasing weight. You'd get pretty strong if you did that. Each block of...
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    What weight should I use for my first kettlebell(s)? (m/1.79m/80kg/untrained)

    @ouznini The 20kg will be useful for a while. Get that one since it's cheap, and see if you can press, push press or jerk it. If you can do that, it's a viable weight. At that point you don't have to get anything lighter. It'd be perfectly fine to just start out with that one and see whether...
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    Unstructured C&P training

    @yakapo7 Hell yeah. My pressing just kind of morphed into it. If your technique is lacking to any degree, this should fix it right up. I pressed every day in December 2021 with no shoulder issues. People always assume high volume and frequency training will inevitably go wrong, but it worked...
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    Anyone did the 10,000 swing challenge after completing simple from s&s?

    @akeeda 16kg sounds like a very reasonable weight for you. It's the sort of challenge where just doing it has a lot of value, and you don't necessarily have to find the perfect weight. I quit S&S, so I can't say anything about the sequencing of programs.
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    Only S&S?

    @joellemarie197 +1 for Dry Fighting Weight and DFW Remix. Swings are cool, but I rate TGUs very lowly. In my opinion you should focus on clean & press and front squat, preferably with doubles. Press can be substituted for push press or jerk. If you want to go beyond that, add rows and...
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    Unstructured C&P training

    @yakapo7 100 both sides! As I said, few sets were very hard - which means it'll sometimes take a while. I may make sense to start with 50 reps while you build up and then add like 5 sets of 2+2 every few workouts. A set of 10+10 will often end up taking like 40 seconds, so you'll get some...
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    Dan John's issue with dual snatches???

    @laodicean60 If you bench with safeties and fail a rep, all you have to do is relax your arch and slide out from under the bar.
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    Kettlebells with Calisthenics and Running

    @lowebo There's nothing wrong with running a bit after lifting, if you have the time. Or at a different time of the day. You alternate between kettlebells and bodyweight training 6x/week and run 7x/week on top of that. But sure, what you came up with also works. For 13 weeks straight at the...
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    Progressing from 16 to 20s

    @danit1999 Nice! Good job :)