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    How do I stop my ribs from being visible?

    @grammyj Stop being a 13 year old boy, that will help.
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    How to gain weight in 2 months

    @theadmiral If you're already not getting optimal protein and only increase calories with donuts and cupcakes you will likely not gain additional muscle with those extra calories. But you will get fat.
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    How to gain weight in 2 months

    @kepha23 Donuts? Cupcakes? You can eat more and just become skinny fat.
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    Alright I broke up with my gf where do go from here

    @steve86 Just start studying weight lifting and get into a good rhythm with it. You'll be getting those newby gains in no time. I found for me I started really packing on the pounds (of muscle) doing deadlift. Your mileage may very.
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    I’m (32M) I’m a lean build 6’1 155lbs. I don’t know where to begin

    @acecomando By lean build I think that's a nice way or saying way too skinny. I'm your same height and I didn't weigh that in High School as a fairly thin guy who didn't lift. I recommend weight training of every single muscle group you can think of for the next 4 years. And eat a lot of...