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    ELI 5: Ladders

    @bhulksmash For sure. Thank you again.
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    ELI 5: Ladders

    @bhulksmash THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
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    ELI 5: Ladders

    @bhulksmash Thank you so much for your response! I get the ladder now. For non ladder days, for example, sets of 3, I will do 3 C&P, rest, 3 FSQ, rest and 3 reps until time expires?
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    ELI 5: Ladders

    Hi guys. I’m a newb and sorry if this is a d**b question. I only got 4 days left on 10000 kb swings challenge and I want to try DFW. I read the article from strongfirst and saw some posts here of folks doing the program… I just can’t seem to grasp the ladder definition. I.E. Week 3 Day 1...
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    A recap of my transition from running and cycling to kettlebell training

    @christianseeker2 He got meaner too :O Looks good though, OP!!!! Inspiration!