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  1. C

    7 Months Recomp Progress + DEXA Scan Results (23.3% -> 18.8% BF)

    @onguso I'll just copy a paste a response I had before here ! "Hey there! Right now I workout 4-6 days a week depending on my work schedule. The minimum 4 days will be lifting days: 2 leg days and 2 upper body (push & pull). If I have time, I will dedicate the remaining 2 days to cardio...
  2. C

    7 Months Recomp Progress + DEXA Scan Results (23.3% -> 18.8% BF)

    @athist Thank you! I'd have to guess maybe an average of 1800-2000 calories or so per day since I don't track it. As for macros, I just try to prioritize protein intake and get at least 100g in per day. I'm not too worried about carbs or fat intake.
  3. C

    7 Months Recomp Progress + DEXA Scan Results (23.3% -> 18.8% BF)

    @dawn16 You're very welcome! Good luck, you got this!
  4. C

    7 Months Recomp Progress + DEXA Scan Results (23.3% -> 18.8% BF)

    @dawn16 Ah no worries. So I actually did my own routine consisting of 2 leg days (one quads/glutes day and one hammies/glutes day), and one push and one pull day. So I'm guaranteed 4 days of resistance training and if I have time I'll do 1-2 days of conditioning/cardio :) I'd say my training...
  5. C

    7 Months Recomp Progress + DEXA Scan Results (23.3% -> 18.8% BF)

    26F | 5'3 1/2" | 137 lbs DEXA Scan Result Before After Backstory: I got a DEXA scan done back in January 2021 to see how COVID lockdown had affected my body composition, and it was a wake up call because not only did I gained more fat I had lost muscle. I was very surprised actually...
  6. C

    Here’s body fat percentage results for someone who has never worked out

    @yourservant We are about the same weight but I'm 5 inches shorter than you lol. Did my recent scan with BodySpec as well xD with your height and weight, I would've guessed you would be underweight with lower body fat if I hadn't seen the scan results! Just to show it's so hard to guess the...