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  1. D

    New dad looking for advice

    @the1stlady98 Yup - instead of the main lift being 5,5,AMRAP week 1, 3,3,AMRAP week 2, and 5,3,AMRAP week 3, it’s just 3x5 at the normal percentages each week.
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    New dad looking for advice

    @the1stlady98 You could do 5/3/1 with 5 pros instead of + sets and then 5x5 FSL supersetted with a pulling exercise or core. Set a 10’ timer for warming up including your jumps/throws, 10’ timer for the main lift, and a 10’ timer for the supplemental and assistance superset. Be strict about it...
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    Working out with babies requires sacrifice from the entire family

    @redeemedsinner I appreciate this perspective and your experience. I will offer mine as well, having just lifted this morning at 6:00 after our umpteenth night in a row in a sleep regression waking up 5+ times a night, albeit mostly briefly to settle him back down. You do not need a good...
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    Cutting regiment after 5/3/1

    @sold4christ25 Buy 5/3/1 Forever and run the Prep and Fat Loss template. It’s great for a cut!