Search results

  1. F

    Best workout app?

    @ndawg77 I am an iOS developer and trainer building a workout app - - I would like to pitch my workout app that I have worked hard to build. We are trying to gather beta test volunteers and providing 6 months free access to our premium version in return. Why don't you...
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    Fitness apps that don't emphasize weight loss?

    @lollylola Thanks for the encouragement, I am proficient at iOS :) will update you in future if we develop Android version.
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    Fitness apps that don't emphasize weight loss?

    @jbsimmons I am an iOS developer and trainer building a workout app - We are trying to gather beta test volunteers and providing 6 months free access to our premium version in return. We are focused on workout side of a fitness app, for efficient workout logging and good...
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    How to implement deload week

    @eleanorwhite I am an iOS developer and trainer building a workout app - - we are trying to gather beta test volunteers and providing 6 months free access to our premium version in return. Why don't you check out our website and sign up for beta testing? We are planning to...
  5. F

    Accessory Exercise Philosophy?

    @mbai22 If reps and weights are the only think you are trying to 'change' - I think definitely lower reps to the point of high confidence (I presume this means, repetitions with quality forms), and just hit set RPE 8-9 (1-2 repetitions in reserve). I know I may not be answering your question...