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  1. G

    Barbell Racks and Pads?

    @darongeorge Absolutely get a pad like the one in link B for barbell hip thrusts. The problem with using a pad for squats is that is actually makes the barbell less stable on your shoulders. I switched from a high bar to a low bar position about a year ago and have found I prefer it. You don’t...
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    "What Animal Do You Lift?" is back online!

    @readerjoseph I can deadlift a fledgling pacific walrus, bench a baby giraffe, and squat a male giant panda. Thank you for this knowledge.
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    Experienced lifters, how much do you b/s/d? Either 1 RM or typical training weights

    @frbrian Yeah, more hypertrophy focused. I’m less than 15 lbs from my goal and cannot wait to lift while eating more
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    Experienced lifters, how much do you b/s/d? Either 1 RM or typical training weights

    @frbrian Lifting on and off for years, consistently for the last three, and heavy for about one. Age 34, weight 169 lbs. Bench is 100 lbs for 3, squat is 135 lbs for 5, and deadlift is 185 lbs for at least one. We haven’t tested it, but I could almost certainly DL 200+. I’ve also been eating in...
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    Do you guys have opinions on Wendler's "North of the V**" concept?

    @cz1611 Yeah, this is fucking gross and misogynistic. Him saying it isn’t doesn’t mean a damn thing. I’ve personally not had a ton of super negative experience with men and lifting, but I’ve certainly overheard men talking about how they’d be pissed if their girlfriends/wives started lifting...
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    What's your "I know I should(n't) be doing this"?

    @brianhex I don’t really warm up and I’m terrible about stretching. They’re just both so boring!
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    [DEXA] 5'6''/182lb (1.71m/83kg) & 30.9% Fat - I came a long way

    @mauddib I thought it was strange, too. There's a company that's supposed to open one sometime this year, but I can't get any info on an exact date.
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    [DEXA] 5'6''/182lb (1.71m/83kg) & 30.9% Fat - I came a long way

    @mauddib I think I remember you asking about it a while ago. It’s the same in NYC, oddly. There are a few medical practices that do it, but none for the purpose of testing body fat, so I think I’d have to get a prescription from my doctor and pay out of pocket.
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    [DEXA] 5'6''/182lb (1.71m/83kg) & 30.9% Fat - I came a long way

    @mauddib Makes sense! There was a conversation here about the Navy method a few days ago — it’s based solely on height/weight/measurements — and how accurate it was. I unfortunately don’t have DEXA commercially available where I am, but it’s something I’d really like to do.
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    DEXA Results: 29F, 5'5", 126.1 lbs, 18.4% BF

    @tinabugs77 Responding to your edit, 18.4% really isn’t “way off” from 15% in the grand scheme of things. I’m saying this with the gentlest intent, but I don’t think your expectations are reasonable. Your body fat is low for a woman and you look great. Why does the exact number matter so much?
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    [DEXA] 5'6''/182lb (1.71m/83kg) & 30.9% Fat - I came a long way

    @mauddib Really really interesting! I’m a few inches shorter, a bit lighter, and more hourglsss/rectangle shaped, but your muscle/fat distribution looks pretty similar to mine, especially in the arms. Out of curiosity, have you done body fat estimations using other methods (Navy, bioimpedance...
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    DEXA 6'2"/32/187 lbs 38.7% on the bright side I have great bone density 👍

    @prophecy7777 FWIW, I have around 35% body fat (per DEXA) and do not look like the photo in that array either, even though I am average height. I look much closer to either the 27-29% or 30-35% photos.
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    4th Annual Garage Gym Competition - Over $30,000 in Prizes! Full Details Available

    @carabu This is super cool - thanks for posting!