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  1. D

    Am I gyming yet? 😬🙃

    @jjm33 Happy to help :) There's really no need to sign up for (or pay for) any program/trainer. The fitness wiki should have routines spelled out. You don't have to do PPL. There are many other options depending on how many days a week you want to commit to the gym (I personally like 3-4 days...
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    “Don’t look at the scale, because muscle weighs more than fat.”

    @samuelperla If it works for you, feel free to keep fasting. But otherwise... why are you fasting? As long as you keep your calories in check, you can eat multiple meals throughout the day and still lose weight. But it's also entirely possible to eat way too much food in one meal as well if...
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    Am I gyming yet? 😬🙃

    @jjm33 If this is something that you enjoy and will stick to... great. But I would say follow a proven routine instead of trying to make your own. The r/fitness wiki has plenty to chose from I don't think you need a full day to...
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    Is 500/month a general cost for a fitness and health coach?

    @unname28 Instead of asking chatGPT, they should use a proven program (plenty can be found on the r/fitness wiki). Also, there's no such thing as toning, so if you're putting that input into GPT, you're already gonna get garbage back.
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    What’s the best way to lose a lot of weight

    @dojoloach You don't want to go too fast. Losing 1-2lbs a week is solid progress. I wouldn't want to exceed around 1% of your bodyweight per week else you're really risking muscle loss, and, depending on your TDEE, it could mean you're eating too little to hit your nutritional goals (ie...
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    Tips for losing weight without counting calories intensely

    @fight_forever You don't need to count calories super precisely, but being aware of calories is very important. It's super easy to think youve not eaten a lot, but you've had a few extremely, calorically dense foods. Focus on eating fresh, whole foods. Avoid/limit ultra processed foods (bread...
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    Which is the better for cardio?

    @baldwinbeckett Better for what? If you wanna get better at running... run. If you want easier to recover from... walk. Also, with the incline, don't hold on to the handles (or rather... dont' grip them, you can put your hands there for a bit of support, but don't be supporting your weight...
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    Can I maintain my breast size?

    @hemanthbadda Breasts are not impacted by muscle mass. You may be overestimating how much muscle you're gonna build up on your chest, it takes a while to make a huge difference. And even then, your cup size is gonna be measured from the breast sitting in front of the muscle. If you could build...
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    To eat or not to eat before working out in the morning?

    @aroah1015 It doesn't matter, if you feel fine working out fasted, you're fine. Having 30g protein before a workout isn't gonna give you energy. Having carbs would. But if you don't feel like you need it, don't have it. Getting protein in after a workout is good, BUT the timing doesn't...
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    Bulking with cholesterol issues

    @simon77 So i'm not a doctor, but I dunno if I'd go vegetarian. Now I don't have your issue, but my LDL was slightly high (HDL was golden). I actually increased my red meat consumption and my LDL has gone down. Vegetarian isn't inherently healthy, if that's what you were implying from "80%...
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    Muscles looking more defined but weight is the same?

    @sarahz You have maybe built a bit of muscle, but I think the bigger factor may be the more conscientious eating. If youve started making healthier choices, that is reflected in your body as a lot of ultra processed foods are quite inflammatory. But ultimately, to lose weight, you need to eat...
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    How to gain weight :/

    @monica23 /r/gainit Ultimately, you very likely don't have a fast metabolism, you just don't eat nearly as much as you think you do. The difference between a fast and slow metabolism is about 100-200 calories per day. So you just need to eat more. You don't defy the laws of physics. Trying...
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    How fit should I be?

    @ellymm I wouldn't really say there are any guidelines really. I think a person should be able to function in daily life with ease though (barring injury/other legitimate exceptions). So basic stuff like being able to get off the floor quickly (and I'd argue without needing to use your hands)...
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    Is 500/month a general cost for a fitness and health coach?

    @babychristian10 Ultimately motivation is a fleeting bitch. You just need to build a habit and do it. Think of your fitness like a 2nd job .. you may not want to go to work, but you gotta get paid, so you go. Having and obtainable goal to work towards can be helpful too, something you can...
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    Is 500/month a general cost for a fitness and health coach?

    @babychristian10 Wayyyy too much. I can see benefit of an in person, personal trainer to help with form and being able to help you safely push harder than you would on your own. I wouldn't pay for an online trainer to check form as you can do this for free online. You can post form videos on...
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    Advice for weight loss

    @feverforever Do activity you enjoy and can do safely, at a volume you can comfortably manage and recover from. You do NOT need to go intense, you do not need to push yourself super hard. I would encourage some weight lifting in order to help preserve muscle mass and possibly build some. This...
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    I’m 16M and know its better not to cut, how much should I eat so I don’t get overweight for the next two years?

    @blueskies88 Yeah. Then I'd just maintain or let your hunger dictate your calories. If you're eating whole foods, that's a pretty solid cue to follow
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    Slow walk on inclined treadmill or brisk walking? What's better?

    @mineben256 Doesn't matter... It's cardio either way, it's not gonna build leg muscles if you are doing actual leg work with weights (and if you weren't, it's very minimal what it would build). For calories burned, the difference is a drop in the bucket (don't trust the estimate the machine...
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    8 months bulking, seeking for feedback to my current workout program

    @pastordavid7398 I would pick a proven routine from the r/fitness wiki, there are plenty of 4 day options. I would also say increase your cardio, 15 minutes is basically nothing. You can do cardio on your off days as well. Hell, just go for more walks around your neighborhood. Also, ignore...