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    Is 300 swings/day effective on its own?

    @dawn16 My original post acknowledged that I was reducing my caloric intake
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    Is 300 swings/day effective on its own?

    @dawn16 My goal is to lose fat and gain muscle / if I had to pick 1, I’d guess “lose fat”
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    Is 300 swings/day effective on its own?

    @willingfollower The goal is largely to drop fat (first priority) gain muscle (second priority) and gain cardio/endurance (third priority)
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    Is 300 swings/day effective on its own?

    @bhulksmash At this point, I’m struggling to understand what it is that everyone else is struggling to understand. I read this specific article: I came away thinking “huh, that seems like a good challenge.” I am now...
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    Is 300 swings/day effective on its own?

    @josipa Thanks for this - I got the idea from Pat Flynn and Dan John. What I’m asking here is: is 300 swings/day ENOUGH, or should I be doing more on top of that?
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    Is 300 swings/day effective on its own?

    @godsendwoman06 Thank you! How long would you suggest doing this for?
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    Is 300 swings/day effective on its own?

    I’m 6’2”, 265 ish, 45 years old and got WAY out of shape between COVID and caregiving for a dying parent. I used to do kettlebells and judo 3-4x /week before the world stopped, have some residual muscle. I’ve challenged myself to do 300 swings/day of a 28 k bell in order to get back in shape...