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  1. L

    Overcoming Low Testosterone: My Journey to Improve Health and Fertility

    @blessedyforgiven If you could try to get to bed 1-2 hours earlier your test should improve. Sleep is a powerful drug.
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    Walk like a farmer

    The hardest thing for me to learn on this part is that it's a matter of insulin more than calories -- Dr Fung is a worthwhile couple of videos to watch on that; some bodybuilders used to (probably still do?) dose on insulin to rapidly gain weight -- pair that with glucose, protein, and heavy...
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    Walk like a farmer

    @nserchoftruth Thanks!
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    Walk like a farmer

    @nserchoftruth 40yr, 6ft, ~300lb. I'm built like a strongman...just not as strong...and fatter...and sitting in a chair typing. Former competitive swimmer, without the swimmer aesthetics. My goals have shifted over time; I really wanted to gain entry into the 3,4,5 plate club at 5 reps for my...
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    Walk like a farmer

    @nserchoftruth For now. I'm a fan of the Rep Fitness bells. 44, 53, 62, 71, 80. I'll probably pick up their 88 and 97 in a few months to increase the volume of my farmer walks. When I was more dedicated to powerlifting I was chasing 315 bench, 405 squat, 495 dead for 5 reps each...back injury...
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    Walk like a farmer

    Saturdays are optional training days for me (I do 3x kettlebell workouts a week, 2 conventional barbell workouts, and then Sat/Sun sometimes do a bit extra if I'm feeling energetic). Today being Saturday I decided to have some fun with my 71lb and 80lb kettlebells. My backyard lawn depth is...