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  1. F

    Musings my s/o overheard from a trainer

    @prinkills9 That's completely bullshit. You should inform the management that they're wasting their money on this ignorant douchebag
  2. F

    Urgent advice! Someone filming me at the gym. Gym won’t take action

    @cookiemon Tell them if they won’t revoke his membership then you are canceling yours, and can’t wait to blast them on social for this so that any other women who are thinking of joining will have second thoughts.
  3. F

    When will I stop getting DOMS from leg day?

    @protorayish If your quad workout is effectively once a week, that’s probably why you’re getting quad DOMS still. If you do compound lifts every workout so you’re exercising everything every workout b it only resting for 48 hours instead of a whole week I find the DOMS goes away after just a...