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    Made absolutely no progress in the past year when I had pretty much everything dialed in, starting to lose motivation..

    @dawn16 He said he doesn’t drink it. I was explaining to the other dude that said milk isn’t all that. Read the whole conversation before you just type something.
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    Made absolutely no progress in the past year when I had pretty much everything dialed in, starting to lose motivation..

    @ameyer6 Easy source of calcium, fat, other vital vitamins (b12, d ), And quality protein. All for a price that is way lower than other products. Whole Foods are important but milk is a good substitute along with protein powder.
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    Top 10 exercises

    @victorcourville Forearms too. Lower back is important along with abs to prevent injuries. Rdl should be good for back tho 😊
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    Made absolutely no progress in the past year when I had pretty much everything dialed in, starting to lose motivation..

    @jericha I was saying that it’s very good source of fats and vitamins. Helps tremendously with bulking. I use little scoop of chocolate protein powder, I cook oats in water in microwave, glass of milk, banana and other fruits I got like strawberry or kiwi, scoop or two of peanut butter.
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    Top 10 exercises

    @victorcourville I’d drop 9 and have back extension or ABs.
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    Muscle imbalances

    @simancia I feel like it’s not necessary with dumbbell chest press, because it’s just two unilateral movements combined. You have to stop when your weaker side fails. You could also try squeezing partials out of the weaker side.
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    If you had to pick ONE cable chest fly variation below, which would you pick and why?

    @leoengel Press fly whatever you want to name it. Mix of press and fly
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    Muscle imbalances

    @simancia Train your right side to failure then do the same amount on the left. Sooner or later it will catch back up. Try to not to bilateral movements if you can as it’s easy to dominate with the stronger side.
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    Made absolutely no progress in the past year when I had pretty much everything dialed in, starting to lose motivation..

    @wmsgil Looks like you are changing your split too much. Find a good split and stick to it. Train to full failure and get plenty of rest. Drugs and alcohol can prohibit recovery. Electrolytes are slept on try some powders. You don’t have to take them everyday but they do help in my experience...
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    If you had to pick ONE cable chest fly variation below, which would you pick and why?

    @blondie977 Press around preferably seated.
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    Been training for years and on the verge of giving up due to lack of progress, what should I do?

    @barefoothannahb Soften the cut. And bulk longer.
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    PPL vs Sam Sulek Split

    @auyl Also I mix up the grips for like rows and lat pull downs. I’ll do wide grip and close grip alternating. Same with leg press and squats. I feel leg press wide grip hits the hips really well, where squats don’t. Lifting straps are for back exercises and deadlifts.
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    PPL vs Sam Sulek Split

    @auyl Push 2-3 warmup sets 2 working sets 3 if you feel like it needs extra work -Flat bench either dumbell or barbell I switch (about to add machine variation too) -Incline bench either dumbell or barbell -Pec flys on machine or cables with a bench -Shoulder press dumbells or barbell...
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    PPL vs Sam Sulek Split

    @auyl You want the exercises? I’m not sure what you mean by routine
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    PPL vs Sam Sulek Split

    @auyl Push pull legs rest push pull legs rest. Sometimes 2 days of rest if I need it but generally it’s not needed. Push is chest triceps and shoulders Pull us back bicep and forearms Legs is abs and legs. It’s not weekly schedules it just keeps revolving. Allows for consistent recovery.
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    PPL vs Sam Sulek Split

    @lostfornow I prefer ppl. And tbh shouldn’t follow splits created for someone on gear because they recover way quicker than a natty.