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    Don't say you can't do it. 3 days out from my first show! [PROGRESS]

    @mikljeni Also, its rude and hurtful.
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    Are classes like BodySculpt/"Just Weights" at the Y going to give me results? x-post from r/fitness

    @gtylerson Your instincts are right. This is one of those cases where trying to do two things at once guarantees that you'll do both badly. If nothing else, get enough lifting under your belt to feel confident in the movements before doing a class like that. THEN you can make a fair...
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    Don't say you can't do it. 3 days out from my first show! [PROGRESS]

    @helenbarbara I'm sorry that whatever is going on in your life is making you lash out like this. Please realize that you are being judgmental and spreading hate. We should be supporting each other, not tearing down and trying to make people feel badly about themselves.
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    [PROGRESS] 3 years of powerlifting, BW 130 lb --> 155 lbs, SQ/BP/DL 300/143/308 lbs

    @csf Awesome work. I've enjoyed watching your progress :)
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    [ANNOUNCEMENT] XXFitness Buddy Matching System Now Open!

    @rustedspurs4 Gender as a text field often gets you some pretty interesting information :)
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    Glutamine? BCAA? L-Carntine? Do any of you ladies takes these suppls?

    @outofplace_christian A good quality protein shake is going to carry a serving of BCAA's in it. I was taking them when doing a "fasted" workout ala Leangains, but later read that he said you could take a protein shake instead. I feel a lot better working out with a shake in my system then a...