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  1. M

    Can I get fit with only minimal outside gym?

    @layla You can get so much from calisthenics. During COVID, I was at the park everyday and I got in pretty good shape. Go to YouTube. There are many good channels on YouTube. Look up Calimove. Also, check out park workout. Those guys are really in good shape with only calisthenics. Good diet too.
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    Only S&S?

    @rabbie77 It’s just a suggestion. One can also piece together a nice beginner program. Swings, goblet squats and presses. The build from there. Turkish get ups, I feel, are an essential skill.
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    Only S&S?

    @joellemarie197 Any one of Pavel’s programs are good. If you’ve never worked with KB’s, start with simple and sinister.
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    Can I get fit with only minimal outside gym?

    @antponetteoaks Yes!
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    1 x or 2 x adjustable kettlebells?

    @yeshuasown Get two! I have had these KBs for about a year and love them. Probably one of the best investments I’ve ever made. They ran me a little over $500 but I’ll never have to buy another KB forever, nor will I need a gym membership. You can run so many programs either using one or both or...
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    KB FS vs. C&P Weights

    @gina7arth Try Dan John’s Armor Building Complex.
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    5x5 w/ KBs

    @hunter101 No. 8-12 reps between 60%-80% 1rm is a hypertrophic range, probably can go as low as 2 sets to 5. Once you get to the 15 rep range it’s endurance training.
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    The Giant

    @kikelomo Look in to Bells of Steel. I bought a pair of adjustable KBs. Both go up to 32kg. $500. If I chose, I’d never have to join a gym in my entire life. Also, I can progress in small increments as low as .5 kilos
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    5x5 w/ KBs

    I’ve ran Stronglifts many times throughout my life but thought to try these principles with the KBs for 8 weeks since I have adjustable KBs by Bells of Steel. Here is what I’m doing. Workout A: double C &P, Front squat and pull ups, 5x5 Workout B: Double snatch 5x5, Turkish getup (timed), and...