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  1. S

    Possible FAQ videos: Swings

    Why I liked video 1. The guy explains the swing well (with the exception of head placement, still trying to figure it out). The placement of the bell at the beginning. What to look for and what not to do. he doesnt get over complicated in the video. He keeps his explanations basic. video 2...
  2. S

    Possible FAQ videos: Swings

    @dawn16 thanks
  3. S

    Possible FAQ videos: Swings

    I am going to start with swings. After watching many videos, these are the ones I think have potential. We can either like these or suggest some others. We can then vote on them, then put them into the FAQ. Kettlebell FAQ: Instructionsal videos (vote) Swing: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
  4. S

    I'm trying to differentiate deadlifts better, could someone help me?

    @shinesun This can be argued a bunch. But IMHO, the first two links are RDL's, The 3rd link is an actual dead lift, the one labeled as a squat is actually a deadlift, and the sumo deadlift the legs are not wide enough. Deadlift basically means lifting a "dead" (not moving) weight off of the...