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  1. J

    What’s your diet look like?

    @phil35 What app u use
  2. J

    What’s your diet look like?

    @phil35 Man I’m impressed at your dedication to weigh and count everything!! Do you use an app and a kitchen scale or how do I go about doing that?
  3. J

    What’s your diet look like?

    @oncelostnowfound That’s a good amount. Bulking?
  4. J

    What’s your diet look like?

    @cins What is ON?
  5. J

    What’s your diet look like?

    @bell168 Hey atleast you’re acknowledging it. Next step is to get a gym membership and start going 3 days a week, and try to eat better.
  6. J

    What’s your diet look like?

    @swordofthespirit7 How do you track macros and specific percentages of protein/fat/carbs?
  7. J

    What’s your diet look like?

    @kaferty I was taking whey protein for about a week or more while also trying to eat sardines, oysters, tuna, eggs, bacon etc. but I’m 180lb and I was told to ingest around 180g of protein daily to build muscle. Which was hard to ingest that much for me. I have backed off of it for now, due to...
  8. J

    What’s your diet look like?

    @happy54 Gluttonous much
  9. J

    What’s your diet look like?

    @yihew My dad had a lot of success with IF! Good for you! Idk if I could do it. But I’m at an awkward stage where I hit a plateau. I have just a little bit of belly fat to shed, and still need to tack on more muscle mass
  10. J

    What’s your diet look like?

    @dsts How many calories are in an egg yolk? Lol I’m just shocked at the amount of people only eating egg whites on here. I love them too much to give it up
  11. J

    What’s your diet look like?

    @dsts The quesadilla sounds great! What’s the reason for just eating the whites? I love the yolk.
  12. J

    What’s your diet look like?

    @dsts You’re consistent with this? How long does it take you to make the shake? It seems like so much work to do that everyday before starting my day.
  13. J

    What’s your diet look like?

    I wanna know everyone who’s willing to share, what your diet is? What’s your goal with said diet? Be specific as possible! Thanks in advance.