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  1. J

    What are you eating during the week?

    @seventytimes7 Your carbs and fats are a little higher than what I was planning. Do you hit the numbers every day? I’m hitting a lot less than this. I’m going pretty well on protein. Why is it important to eat even more if I’m trying to lose weight? Bc I’m trying to recomposition myself and...
  2. J

    What are you eating during the week?

    @seventytimes7 This is super helpful. Thank you.
  3. J

    What are you eating during the week?

    @seventytimes7 How tall are you? What are your macros? I’m 5’2” 42f 135 and trying to get the weight down to 125. I’m working out 5 days a week.
  4. J

    What are you eating during the week?

    @masambu That sounds delicious
  5. J

    What are you eating during the week?

    @dawn16 How much protein are you eating?
  6. J

    Seeking Advice

    @racheljay50 Hi- try future - it’s a personal trainer but an app through an Apple Watch. So much cheaper but worth it- for me at least