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    I was promised endorphins

    @romans5to8 I'm 35 and I've never had an endorphin rush from lifting. I only feel sleepy afterwards. It's hard and grindy work, especially the last week of a mesocycle before a deload. Running, and biking give me HUGE, happy endorphin rushes. Which is a big reason why I've started SLOWLY...
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    Does body recomposition actually work?

    @_marc97 Agree it may just be water/glycogen. If I stop lifting for a week my weight will automatically drop 2 lbs and I’ll automatically regain 2 lbs once I resume lifting. As others have stated, recomp takes a very long time for subtle changes. I’ve done both recomp and bulking/cutting...
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    What can I do when I’m young to keep healthy when I’m older?

    @burialchoice Don’t do what I did:) At your age I was always undereating (and definitely not getting enough of protein); did mostly cardio - the weight machines were an afterthought - drank too much clubbing on the weekends and either overslept or pulled all nighters.
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    Fit/active women of Reddit, what’s your weekly exercise routine like?

    @acco340 This winter I’ve been following a lifting program 4 days a week, each session lasting 75-90 minutes. I’m lucky that I live near the water with lots of parks so I also love to go on morning walks at least 5 times in a week, for about an hour, 5-6 km (I only know the km cause my husband...
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    My Accidental 2 Month Recomp: The Scale Ain't Shit!

    @shaunf You look great! I can definitely see a difference! Thank you so much for posting. I needed to read this today!!
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    Calling all cyclists!

    @alanaspapa Another good upgrade are shatterproof sunglasses. I learned the hard way when I fell on sand once turning a sharp corner (btw don’t ever do a sharp turn on sand!)
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    Dr. Mike on male/female training differences

    @bwell I always thought he put on that fake Russian Jewish accent because that’s his ethnic background and he can poke fun at his own kind (I’m first gen and many of us do this amongst ourselves.) Often his humour is crass but sometimes I do laugh…I don’t think his wife would stay married to...
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    Metabolic Resistance Training + 5/3/1 = overkill?

    @sergeysidorec IMHO, yes…. Four times a week of your endurance type strength training + 5/3/1 is overkill. If you’re doing 5/3/1 three to four times a week, then you have no recovery days. But I admit, I like to separate my cardio from my resistance training and prefer doing them on separate...
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    Spiraling down a pandemic depression hole so I bought a treadmill

    @godzillla It’s a great purchase!! I’ve had mine for a number of years now and I love it. I walk/ walk on an incline / jog / do hiit intervals while listening to my favourite music. I am always - ALWAYS - in a better mood when I’m done!
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    Half Marathon + Powerlifting Meet Write-Up

    @mcooperiii You are bada$$ awesome. An inspiration to me. I’m just sorry that you couldn’t enjoy your achievements because of your breakup:( I’ve been there and I want you to know that you will get through it, to a much better place. You’re resilient and strong. ((Hugs))
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    Calling all cyclists!

    @tessal Biking always makes me feel like a kid again and I never think of it as cardio:). I love riding my Trek X Caliber 8 for xcountry doubletrack, single track and paved city roads. But it’s always worth it to change out the saddle! PS I wish more women would get into mountain biking it’s so...
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    Slow but successful recomp progress! F/40/5'0" [51.5>51kg] 7 months

    @pamray62 You definitely look different! Thanks for sharing your results! I'm recomping now because, well, it's summer, and looking at your photos encourages me that the mid-section can also get smaller:) PS I'm thinking about switching to GZCLP too from Starting Strength.
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    Alternatives to 500 pound club?

    @crazythat You received so many replies but I have to add my own. I’m so proud of you and the work that you’re putting in. What you’re doing is amazing. That guy is JEALOUS. Seriously. Lifting heavier than your body weight after only a few months is incredible. You should be proud!!! I’m a...
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    Study: Back Squat produces better glute growth than hip thrust

    @mrkruback I've removed hip thrusts from my current program and so I'm glad to read this. I do feel my glutes the next day after squat day.
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    My ab journey (with pictures)

    @sinbad2014 You look great!! Thank you for posting, you're inspiring me not to skip my ab workouts.
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    Not sure whether to continue cutting, stay at maintenance, or eat at a surplus (progress photos)

    @imalamb Great progress! Echoing what others are saying about going on a diet break and eating at maintenance. You’ve been in a deficit for a very long time. How’s your energy? I ask because those carbs are low (they would be for me.)
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    I created an Excel for Thinner Leaner Stronger Exercises

    @gzomk You are amazing! Thank you for sharing this!
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    Program Review: Jacked & Tan 2.0

    @tiffashwill Thanks for this write up! Jacked & Tan intimidated me so I didn’t do it after GZCLP. PS I’m impressed that you began it while on a cal deficit!