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    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @dawn16 Bodyweight only i probably did 3 push and 3 pulls per week, 1 day of nothing. Just work as hard as you can and be consistant. Consistancy and not getting injured is the key.
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    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @missysylvester Eat properly, train hard, and get your sleep. Sleeping 7-9 hours every single night is extremely important for good results. Dont neglect sleep.
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    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @louie44 People give up too easily when training gets hard. When you are doing pushups and your whole body isnt shaking by the last rep or two, then you arent training hard enough. When doing chinups and you cant do another rep if someone put a gun to your head, then jump up and slowly lower...
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    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @horlait Legs need weights, upper body doesnt really depending on your goals, yes i do weighted chinups, but the vast majority of my training was the basics, just lots and lots of reps and sets to complete agonizing failure where my arms chest and back want to pop from the pump, and then keep...
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    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @helen09 5'10"
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    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @dawn16 I havent eaten meat in 8 years and I think I did pretty good. I think you are talking about how "bioavailable" a source of protein is. Yes there is a scale and yes some are better than others, but I don't think because I ate hemp seeds, oats, and pumpkin seeds that my physique or...
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    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @carolsheats Vega sport was pretty good, hemp based with frozen blueberries and strawberries is pretty good. I also used basic unflavored yellow pea protein powder which was super not great but extremely low calorie and high protein, so i just dealt with it. Ive never been one to complain about...
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    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @thedudeman1990 Hmmm, id venture to say its half eggs and milk derived like cottage cheese, greek yogurt, and whey protein, and half beans plants and grains. Maybe 40-60.
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    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @themrbt Eggs, whey protein shakes, beans spinach broccoli quinoa tofurky sausages, cottage cheese greek yogurt soy milk etc.
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    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @web209 Fast concentric slow eccentric, no reason at all to go slow on the concentric of any exercise. Control the movement, no swinging, no momentum, pause at the top of chinups, palms facing you hands closer to each other is more bicep activation than shoulder width. You can handle lots of...
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    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @seekfind Just gotta listen to your body, ring pullups are probably the best overall solution for pullups because your hands are not fixed in space and therefore basically injury-proof.
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    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @seekfind I did a lot of supinated (chinups) starting out because i was way stronger in that position and i could get a lot more reps in thus allowing more work to get done. I started doing cluster sets like 3 wide 3 shoulder width 3 narrow all pronated once i got stronger. I am still way...
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    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @dawn16 Tendons get built stronger by endless reps of bodyweight pushups and pullups performed properly. I personally have never had an issue with tendonitis in my upperbody. I had a small hip issue when I did barbell squats incorrectly with too much weight once, but i learned real quick what i...
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    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @accelerator Hundreds of bodyweight chinups a week, 50-60 weighted chinups (last session was 5x5 with 75lbs added) per week, slow 8s eccentric pelican curls until i want to die, bodyweight tricep extensions on rings to failure for a lot of sets every week. I train extremely hard.
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    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @jcksn228 Its all calories in, calories out. If you cant/wont stop eating as much as you do then move more, walk more, do more cardio. Increase your calorie expendature however you can. I was 220 at my heaviest and i eventually had enough of it, started skipping lunch entirely and did 45mins to...
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    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @dawn16 My dad was a monster at my age, so picked the right parents for genetics.
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    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing Male 35 170lbs 2.5years of progress. Weighted and bodyweight calisthenics with maybe 5 months of basic barbell compounds. Diet for last 8 years has been ovo-lacto vegetarian. I...