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  1. Y

    Can anyone recommend a decent bro-split template?

    @zobers Pull- Push-Legs-off-Upper (Shoulder & Arm Focus)- Lower-off
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    High Frequency Full Body Home Routine

    I'm in my early 30s, and have been working out since I was in my early 20s w/ varying success, experimenting w/ bro-splits, PPL, full body, upper-lower. I workout at home w/ a power tower, a few heavy DBs & KBs, a suspension trainer, and bands. I'm 5ft 8in. I started in my 20s at 156 lbs and got...
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    My workout routine

    @dawn16 Thank you so much for your kind reply and the link! 🙂
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    My workout routine

    @brigitta Oh no, I'm not brave enough for that 😅 I prefer not to have pics of myself floating around the internet
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    My workout routine

    @jermyn Yup. They're those Perfect Fitness brand handles, so they serve as a pretty close approximation of rings. You fasten the looped ends around the bar and use the handled ends for pullups. They are easier on the elbows, but they're tough because of the thicker grip. Perfect Fitness Handles
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    My workout routine

    @jermyn Thank you for those calisthenics progression suggestions, I'll definitely keep those in mind! I do use those exercise handles with the loops that secure around a pullup bar for an approximation of ring pullups. They have thick grips, so I find them to be an excellent grip exercise as...
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    My workout routine

    @tomaspianist Thank you for taking the time to give me this advice. My wife always tells me I should slow down, as I tend to wolf my food down. Through smaller portions and slow eating, my wife has been able to lose a significant amount of weight herself, so it should work for me. I just need to...
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    My workout routine

    @tomaspianist Thanks for the suggestion! I've thought about OMAD, but while I'm not diabetic, I have had bad hypoglycemia symptoms from fasting too long, so I'd rather not risk it. Also, I feel like eating one meal a day would encourage me to be a glutton-- which is a behavior I'm trying to...
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    My workout routine

    @pawel Sorry, I wrote something stupid. Yes, my wife reminds me of this, especially around dinner time, when I'm most prone to going overboard. I'm currently trying the "small plate" method of portion control, which has helped me lose a few lbs already. Thanks for your reply! 🙂
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    My workout routine

    @dawn16 I did IF for a long time when I worked evenings part-time i.e. I would drink my coffee in the morning, train around noon, eat around 1pm, eat again at about 4, go to work at 5 and eat my last meal at about 7-7:30. But now I work early mornings full-time so most of my calorie expenditure...
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    My workout routine

    @lanel Thank you for your reply, your encouragement and criticism. I'll definitely check out that diet post! 🙂
  12. Y

    My workout routine

    I'm in my early 30s, and have been working out since I was in my early 20s w/ varying success, experimenting w/ bro-splits, PPL, full body, upper-lower. I workout at home w/ a power tower, a few heavy DBs & KBs, a suspension trainer, and bands. I'm 5ft 8in. I started in my 20s at 156 lbs and got...