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  1. T

    How much money per month do you invest on fitness?

    @defd2000 ~ $25/ month for barebones chain gym membership where i lift 5 days a week and cardio only on rest days.
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    Kid refused to spot me today, so I returned the favor

    @aeri20 Op my approach has always been to model the proper behavior so that others can learn from you especially if you are the adult in the room. I think you missed an opportunity to teach an ignorant kid.
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    How do you keep energised at work without surgery snacks when dieting?

    @divinity3 op, eliminate sugar from your diet. also minimize bread and alcohol. track calories and macronutrients. increase protein, reduce carbs and fat. keep doing your intermittent fasting even if it’s only 12:12. add cardio and yoga to your strength training. i walk on the weekends...
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    How to stop the morning poop ?

    @becksblue coffee is the way “to go”….
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    DEXA says I'm obese - 36% body fat - thoughts?

    @dawn16 agree, forget about estimated numbers coming from data from 20-30 years ago. focus on what you see, muscles bigger? getting stronger? feeling better? getting enough sleep? dialed in your nutrition? +protein -fat -carbs? lift weights track progress on your lifting. increase...
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    Should I eat 60g of protein or 259g?

    @ichamplin 1 gram per pound or 2.2 grams per kilogram of goal body weight.
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    What do you do when you miss a workout?

    @mdhess i use the caliber app which has a move function and move my weekly schedule a day later. it actually makes things less boring when i mix it up a little.