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  1. E

    Honestly feel like the protein numbers that are given regularly are complete bullshit

    @bronsontaur I don't think it's to push protein sales, but i think you're probably not far off regarding efficacy of slightly less protein intake. Modern day fitness is still so young. Layne is is the grand daddy at what 40 yrs old? Then you could say that Lyle and schoenfeld are the great...
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    4 years of hard work

    @silsophi I suggest considering the original posters comments but also going to failure on every set for a week. You might be surprised by how many reps you have left in the tank. I sure was and benefited, profoundly. Be warned though that the following micro cycle you will need an adhoc rest...
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    Are weighted pull ups even worth it?

    @giacmosuaviet 100%. For someone in their late 30's, you would think he would start to prioritize professionalism for their business, but who knows? Maybe that's what people like him?
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    Are weighted pull ups even worth it?

    @vinod367 Dr Mike is a zealot for his own stuff; excessively dogmatic. I highly recommend you go well outside of RP. Mike is very good at using logic to control arguments and setup analogies to sound so common sensical or that "well, this is what the science says, so..." Look into Geoffrey...
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    Recovering from Low Calorie Dieting

    @bigo What's your training like? If you're going wild with high volume training, it might be impacting it. Additionally, if I'm stalling at the gym in general (from past poor training protocols) i think my test levels maybe stall a bit as well; at least libido seems to.
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    To those of you who feel you've mastered pushing to true failure, do you get grindy reps no matter the exercise?

    @jacob40524 Literally went through this today. Did a few sets of 10-12 reps on preacher curls and couldn't cheat if I wanted to; within reason at least.
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    Cutting progress plateau

    @amandal It can ebb and flow. Just curious how the training sessions are going because if you were losing 2lbs a week and already down to 16%, that would be a very aggressive cut. I would be feeling like death. 1500 cals is nothing - I did my first aggressive cut at those numbers and it was brutal.
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    Double progression vs set reps

    @fateeadams And slow expectations on rates of gain. Like a rep every 2weeks during beginner/intermediate stage should be considered good progress
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    Double progression vs set reps

    @fateeadams Or intensity techniques, as another option. Yours is fine too.
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    Anyone have their numbers of muscle to body fat % lost during cuts? How is it regaining lost muscle post cut?

    @orchardllc Think you're probably misinterpreting the quantitative data, or the reporting is off. It's just very unlikely that you lost 10lbs of muscle during your 20lb bw loss cut. Instead of focusing on the numbers for a bit, tell us what you're trying to do in the end. I mean 17 to 13% bf is...
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    Been training for years and on the verge of giving up due to lack of progress, what should I do?

    @barefoothannahb Simple solution: don't change much of what you're doing. Just start adding an exercise doing 2 sets of that exercise and start training everything to failure (except squats and dead. Do 1-2 reps in the tank.). Stay in a surplus. You will grow.
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    Seriously stubborn and weak chest

    @polarbearwear For me, there's definitely a magic formula that starts with a caloric surplus. After that, it's training and I actually do three chest sessions (with other upper body stuff as well) in an 8 day micro cycle, with the bulk of volume skewed towards the first two days. Point here is...
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    When you train, how do you prevent your hands from cramping up?

    @themartinfamily I have never experienced this in my 25 years of lifting