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    Eating more protein when you don't like protein

    @dawn16 I'm in the UK, I'm sure we do have oikos, I'll look into it. I wanted to lose weight initially but ideally I need to lose body fat and if I can do that through recomp then maintenance is fine. Realistically I cannot eat less than 1500cal without losing my mind and so that's another...
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    Eating more protein when you don't like protein

    @lindalai Thanks for the suggestions. I've tried cottage cheese. I have tried whipping it but it still somehow tasted horrendous. I'm not a fan of scallops either unfortunately.
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    Eating more protein when you don't like protein

    @dmhanson511 I'll give greek yoghurt a try. Thank you!
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    Eating more protein when you don't like protein

    @sk14 I'm wary of getting into peanut butter, I've been obsessed with it before and I feel like I'll end up having it too much. Maybe if I limit it to only eating it with apples once a day max, it might be okay.
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    Eating more protein when you don't like protein

    @akbarkim2010 I kind of stopped eating yoghurt unless I made it into a dip because this one year I overdid yoghurt and got sick of it. Following that another year I was SO into smoothies but it triggered an issue with swallowing cold foods. So sometimes when I eat yoghurt now I cough. But I am...
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    What do I need to change? Stalled and feeling a bit fat

    @brightflame This is all great advice thank you. After I wrote this post I was having a think and wondering why I've stopped doing 'snackcercise' i.e. little bursts as and when I have time or a minimum amount on the days I don't have time for a full workout. It seems like as I got more into...
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    What do I need to change? Stalled and feeling a bit fat

    I was on a weight loss journey since last June, took a break from September to October. I then sort of changed to recomp and I feel smaller than before but I feel like I've stalled for 7-8 weeks rolling up and down the same 2lbs probably since just before Christmas. Overall I've lost about...
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    Eating more protein when you don't like protein

    @ministerryan Not a fan of cottage cheese but lentils and chickpeas I can do. Thank you!
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    Eating more protein when you don't like protein

    @nishaphilips85 I am trying to do this but I'm being wary of red meat also being fatty and eating too much of it within my calories. I don't intensely watch macros as such other than this trying to get more protein, but I notice I've always eaten all my fat allowance and maybe more even while...
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    Eating more protein when you don't like protein

    @dj7 I got this during a dairy free phase. It doesn't taste like cheese to me but I do like it as a flavour enhancer for various dishes. Never thought about the protein content. 2 tbsp seems like a lot to add to any one thing but I'm sure a bit here and there will help add up the numbers.
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    Eating more protein when you don't like protein

    @vine365 I might try this. I've been hesitant as it is expensive but it might be worth a go.
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    Eating more protein when you don't like protein

    @nezsruiz I don't eat Nutella often to be honest but it felt like a nice treat instead of a chocolate...but I think it might have led me down a chocolately rabbit hole instead. Nut butter is probably a good shout having said all that. I'm allergic to soy milk, almond milk was a recent transition...
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    Eating more protein when you don't like protein

    @nezsruiz I agree, I've been dismissing it thus far for the above commenters reasons but now I'm thinking every little helps. And half a can of chickpeas is probably a more fulfilling snack than 2 corn cakes and some Philadelphia for probably the same amount of calories. A bit of extra protein...
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    Eating more protein when you don't like protein

    @abrahamictheist I do eat eggs. Usually scrambled or fried. I went through a boiled egg phase but eventually I get turned off them, don't know why.
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    Eating more protein when you don't like protein

    @jaz2001 I'm happy to try and increase my protein to 120g. I just don't know how so I thought I'll start at 75g as a minimum, given I'm sorely lacking even hitting that. I eat all those things as I say I just find it hard to eat more than a certain amount a day. E.g. I mentioned I eat roast...
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    Eating more protein when you don't like protein

    @johnc1953 I think I should probably try a whey protein. Pea protein just taste so savoury and grainy.
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    Eating more protein when you don't like protein

    I'm 5ft3.5, 170lbs (EDIT- sorry I meant 153! 170 was my SW) and starting a recomp journey/focussing more on weight training and eating at a slight deficit. I do not have a strong affinity for protein based foods. I do try to incorporate it into every meal, but it seems like I need additional...