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  1. J

    Thoughts on ppl who've been at it a while and aren't progressing

    @dawn16 How is it your fault if you don’t correct poor form/technique when you don’t know you are doing it? The coaches and other members are constantly correcting me and each other during our sessions. At first I was worried about it, then I realized the coaches are doing their job. They are...
  2. J

    Thoughts on ppl who've been at it a while and aren't progressing

    @aetheranima People who walk around judging others at the gym are one of the main reason many people avoid gyms. Are they there putting in the work? If so leave them alone, or support them instead of criticizing them. They could be at home laying on the couch watching Oprah and eating chips...
  3. J

    Zone 2 on Echo bike

    @shanelg94 The Concept2 app also calculates it using the method I used, which is what I typically use. Guess all that Z2 training I thought I was doing was for naught.
  4. J

    Zone 2 on Echo bike

    @lovejustice I was always told Z1 was 50-59%, Z2 60-69%, Z3 70-79%, Z4 80-89%, Z5 90-100%. That would put your Z2 around 109-126. If you can't hold a conversation without losing your breath while doing Zone 2, you aren't in Zone 2 is also a good measure.
  5. J

    Zone 2 on Echo bike

    @lovejustice Maybe I'm missing your question, but the chart you provided shows you were in Zone 3 68% of the time, so no it wasn't a good Zone 2 workout.
  6. J

    For Olympic lifts, do those who lift impressive numbers ever get impressed by people who lift substantiallyrics less?

    @harrantion I think this is where the CF community excels. At least at the gym I attend everyone gets pumped/excited when someone is lifting heavy for them. I love watching the uber fit members lifting super heavy, but I find it more exciting when the guy/gal that started 4 months ago hits a...