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  1. D

    Seeing Suggestions on next Group Program

    @sarada Got it! If you like Neupert's work, More Kettlebell Muscle / Kettlebell Express / Kettlebell express Ultra have a few 4 to 9 week long ones for you to play with! Also 102 KB workouts could be good, literally 102 kb workouts!
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    Seeing Suggestions on next Group Program

    @sarada That's a nice idea! Just a question: which "2 programs"?
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    ABC - The Book?

    @pastortony So you have not finished reading it? Finish it, don't jump straight into the program. Dan's work is not prescriptive, it's quite narrative, so it lets one adapt to their own life demands. This a book about building muscles for normal people, not athletes nor bodybuilders. He...
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    Need help with a simple 4-week Fat Loss Diet to do in conjunction with the 10k Swing Challenge

    @jerrysmith422 Protein, veggies, water, dont live by the numbers, rid yourself of words such as "cheat" as they are more detrimental than not, sleep adequately, drink more water, train first thing in the am while fasted, suck it up a bit when you feel discomfort due to hunger. Water and veggies...
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    Fun twist on the Armor Building Complex

    @curious777 I recall @hosslyn13 posting a video ages ago where he tried and got confused with the reps per set at some point
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    Dry fighting weight c&p question

    @edenrivers Yes, the original DFW calls for a rest between the c&p and fsq and the best suggestion is that one runs the program as written at least once, ideally more. When that runs out its course of effectiveness, one can experiment with variations. Removing that rest and going straight into...
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    Dry fighting weight c&p question

    @faith2 Ah, not at all! We have all been there with these sorts of questions around ladders and descriptions of exercises, have a search through older posts for a laugh, we all make it more complicated than it actually is :P
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    Dry fighting weight c&p question

    @faith2 1 clean, 1 press, rest, 1 clean, 1 front squat, rest 1 clean, 1 press, 1 clean, 1 press, rest, 1 clean, 2 front squats, rest 1 clean, 1 press, 1 clean, 1 press, 1 clean, 1 press, rest, 1 clean, 3 front squats, rest Etcetera... That's how it goes. Some people like to remove the rest...
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    Double clean workouts

    @robbie0376 You could run ABC (Armour Building Complex) and instead of doing 2 cleans 1 press 3 squats, you could change the numbers up (2 squats 1 press 3 cleans) Or just run HIIT-styled workouts by doing cleans... No one's stopping you!
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    Can I get fit with only minimal outside gym?

    @antponetteoaks "Work up to a hard set of X reps then do multiple back off sets of Y reps" -> I think there's a valid book that can be used for this sort of template without necessarily following it to the letter, Power To The People, adjusting it to one's needs. 10-15 sets of 5 squats at a high...
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    KB FS vs. C&P Weights

    @gina7arth I'm adding an invaluable comment as well! What everybody else said: legs are bigger and stronger than shoulders. C&P + FSQ are combined together because they flow quite well together when in complexes. The "trick" is to either add more leg-reps when it's a reasonable (one could do...
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    Beginner looking clarification where to start

    @discgolf Yes the whole book is paid for, but the concept is talked about a lot if you google. Ladder wise, you'd do 1,2,3 reps for 1 lift per ladder. 1 clean, 1 press, 1 squat 1 clean, 2 press, 1 squat 1 clean, 3 press, 1 squat then you repeat the same ladder: 1 clean, 1 press, 1 squat...
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    Beginner looking clarification where to start

    @discgolf Iron Cardio could help. The basic idea is: clean, press, squat (+swing/snatch/pullup, up to you). Very flexible structure: do 1 rep each for a various amount of sets without worrying about time, or set a timer and do as many sets as you can. Singles or doubles is up to you every...
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    What workout should I do tomorrow?

    @asaydworthe Is there any other way of doing them?
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    What workout should I do tomorrow?

    @asaydworthe Fuck Im taking this to a new level: pour brown rice in a tupperware, no lid, balance that on your head while locked in the bathroom with the shower (boiling hot) running. Stay till the rice is fluffy and fully cooked.
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    Two years of Mark Wildman's Nerd Math / Tetris of Training

    @benthebeliever Amazing! It's not slow at all, you concurrently added +10kg for reps to each of your lifts. Cant wait for your post "30 years of kettlebell"!
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    10.000 Swings Experience/Review

    @hunter101 Amrap yes!
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    Reps vs. Time intervals

    @wanderingbeliever I'm by no means an expert, but I think how you train depends on what you want to achieve - if you want to build your foundations, consolidate skills and technique, then use low weights that let you focus on movement, form and breathing. Take rest "as needed" to put good...
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    10.000 Swings Experience/Review

    @hunter101 Ah yes! For some reason I thought it was a combo of abc and 10kswings, like 30' abc daily non stop! 5 mins is nothing!!! Bring april on!
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    10.000 Swings Experience/Review

    @hunter101 ABC April? What am I missing out on here? Links?