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  1. M

    Parallettes like GMB p-barz?

    I'm from Sweden and I can't seem to find any low, wide parallettes like the ones GMB recommend I've found like one single page with something similar (;001;248-G), but those bars aren't that long...
  2. M

    How are you building and increasing connective tissue (e.g. wrists and elbow)?

    @michaelphemo Slow cooking whole chicken is great. Then you can pull off everything except the bone and eat, including the cartilage etc. Cheap, nutritious, tasty.
  3. M

    An interesting Athlean X take on planks

    @fullspinzoo Fair enough.
  4. M

    An interesting Athlean X take on planks

    @fullspinzoo If the purpose would be to activate primarily the rectus abdominus, then it's still a better exercise than the reverse plank. Doing a posterior pelvic tilt to avoid arching your back in a reverse plank isn't going to overload the abdominals much. As for the increased activation of...
  5. M

    [Progress] M - 22 - 6’2”/188cm - 221lbs/100kg — Progressing barbell strength and calisthenics (205kg x5 deadlift and 2 reps of free HeSPU)

    @von20207777 Awesome! Have you correlated your overhead pressing progress with your gains in calisthenics? More specifically, at what level of strength did you manage to start doing the bent arm pike press?