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  1. C

    Weight not budging

    @srm85 Plateaus happen. If you’re stuck, you will need to possibly adjust your calories. When you lose weight your caloric needs also decrease. Try having slightly less calories for a week and see what happens. Also, take body measurements instead of just the scale. I’ve only lost 5lbs since...
  2. C

    Am I just wasting time by lifting?

    @hovis Lifting has so many benefits for you beyond what you see on the outside. I absolutely sympathize with how you’re feeling - I’ve been lifting heavy and eating clean for about 5 months and I’ve only lost about 7lbs, but my body has certainly changed. Not quite as much as I wish it would...
  3. C

    Struggling with eating … too many sweets

    @messagesoflove If you’re going to have a hard time not eating them, do not buy them/allow them to come into your house. Or force yourself to eat ONE serving so you don’t have to go cold turkey. Get a food scale if you don’t have one and measure out a portion of your treat so you can enjoy it
  4. C

    Advice - protein/defecit

    @weewillie Lots of good advice already. I’ll just add that once I started seriously focusing on getting .8-1g of protein per lb of body weight I found myself struggling to even keep eating, I was so full. I just ate my lunch (chicken breast, zucchini, potatoes) and it was only 270 cal but I’m SO...