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  1. C

    24 y/o F Changing Body Type

    @artemis153 Yeah, it's perfectly normal to fill out as we become adults. You didn't ruin anything; you can always lose weight. That being said, it's not going to be easy and will require diligence to maintain.
  2. C

    Low calorie count + workouts = tired

    @unhappymale you need more calories. 1200 calories is only suitable for very small, very sedentary women. you are neither!!
  3. C

    Is it possible to recomp without dieting and tracking?

    @thetravman Well you've had success so far. I think if you want results *faster* you're going to have to take more drastic measures, especially while continuing to do things like drink alcohol. recomping in and of itself is a slower process than cutting and bulking, so that's something else to...