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  1. S

    First Competition! (17Y/O M)

    @oanda Hard to give you solid advice without pics, but I will say at 11 weeks out with 15lbs to lose, you’re looking at a pretty compressed timeframe! I would look at some shows further out to give yourself some time to diet down and not stress. Those last few pounds will move slowly.
  2. S

    2018 Contest Prep Breakdown

    @jesusloveselonmusk Congrats on the win, great conditioning, very well done! Really admiring your posing as well. How were your fatigue levels towards the end mentally? 53 weeks seems like a slow & steady burn. How long were your diet breaks?
  3. S

    [Contest Write Up]: OCB Uprising 2019

    @commando95 Looking good up there. Seems like the strategy worked as far as heavy deficit in the beginning followed by taper. I don’t think I could ever coach myself into a show, just too neurotic especially when body fat gets lower and the fatigue starts to set in. Nice work, and good luck on...