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  1. F

    5’3”F could use some advice

    @kie I appreciate the book rec! I have the daily dozen app - need to resurrect it.
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    5’3”F could use some advice

    @sunee1 I'm going to try a smaller deficit like you recommended. I get in the mindset that if I don't cut 500 cals/day and see progress on the scale soon, I lose all motivation to keep on a stricter eating schedule. I'm at the point in my life that I don't really care how long things take as...
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    5’3”F could use some advice

    @knightoffaith Ok good info, thank you. I will increase the protein - that seems to be more or less what's a common recommendation.
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    5’3”F could use some advice

    @tonya85 I love this idea, I'm very much a data/tracking person so this really appeals to me. I had a partial hysterectomy a while ago so I have a cycle but I never know where I'm at in it. I know from past experience though that it absolutely affects my weight loss. Maybe this will become...
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    5’3”F could use some advice

    @tonya85 I love the idea of keeping track of weekly calories - yes, somedays I'm way more hungry than others. This never occured to me!
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    5’3”F could use some advice

    @starwarsdude I will try adding protein powder to my oats!
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    5’3”F could use some advice

    @pamcaid I haven't been tracking consistently for the past month. But you are correct in your assessment of me needig to be more honest about the nutrition and stress eating.
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    5’3”F could use some advice

    Hi everyone I could use some help. I am a 5’3” 46F. I weigh between 145-150 lbs. I’ve worked out fairly consistently over the past 6 years with 2 days of lifting, 1-2 days of spin class, & 1 day of HITT class. (In the summer I road bike). I want to lose fat. I have an incredibly hard time...