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  1. K

    Mini cut complete, 221 -> 201 Lbs in 15 weeks

    @idk332 Thanks for the reply. Yeah... I had the hip thrusts as part of my last 8 week workout cycle and I just hated doing them. It's just an odd exercise for me. Not particularly difficult. So this 8 week cycle I substituted the 2 handed kettlebell swings. Maybe it's me or the way I am...
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    Mini cut complete, 221 -> 201 Lbs in 15 weeks

    @idk332 Thanks for the reply. I'm currently working out with a pretty high frequency full body 5x per week program. For the legs over the course of a week I will do: Mo. - 3x heavy squats Tu. - 3x Bulgarian Split Squats & 3x Kettlebell swings We. - Off Th. - 3x heavy deadlifts Fr. - 3x...
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    Mini cut complete, 221 -> 201 Lbs in 15 weeks

    @idk332 You are where I want to to be. I'm currently 62 years old, 5'-10". 210# and about 18% body fat. Which is pretty good for my age, but I want to do better. Maybe be like 190# and 10-12% body fat. How tall are you and what has your eating been like? Edit: Read down and see you are...
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    Is there a 'formula' to help determine the appropriate rep range to use from the 5-30 range for a specific exercise?

    @jdez I don't remember the formula or the percentages or where I read it, but it goes something like this: Take your 1rm in a particular lift, take 80% of that weight, and then do as many reps as possible to failure, and that's your optimum rep range. However I don't know if that works or not...
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    Do you guys use any supplements?

    @mayaann Coffee, Creatine, Multivitamin, D2, Krill Oil, Ashwagandha, Tongkat Ali, Turmeric.
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    Rear delt flyes needed for rear delts or pulls and rows enough?

    @setst777 Everybody's different, but personally I do a type of shoulder fly, cable and dumbbell, 3 days a week, and I do all of them bent forward at about 45 degrees to target the rear delts more. I figure the front delts get plenty of work Benching 2x per week, Incline press 1x, overhead press...
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    M/19/190cm [66kg to 73kg] (4.5 years)

    @christianwriter87 You need to fucking eat. If you are lifting and not getting enough calories and protein then you are not fueling you gains. Whoever it was that said you need to get to 200# is right.
  8. K

    Glycine and N-Acetyl Cysteine?

    @field Or either do your own independent research before taking some mystery powder. That's what I did. Supplements are so hit and miss, that unless you read lots of studies and try your best at understanding those studies, it's just hard to tell what's effective and what's not.
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    What is the point of keep training as a natural if you have been training for 2 years ?

    @jlchoa You look awesome man! You look like Bruce Lee with some size on him. And I mean that as a serious compliment, because Bruce Lee was one of my childhood heroes. I spent years in the martial arts because of Bruce Lee. I even have his books. You are only 21. Fitness is a life long...
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    Glycine and N-Acetyl Cysteine?

    @field I've been taking it for a week or so, but it's hard to give an objective opinion, because there is simply not enough data from one person's opinion (me). :-D Now... Subjectively... For a 62 year old man who does a full body workout 5 days a week and goes at it pretty damned hard, I...
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    Glycine and N-Acetyl Cysteine?

    @kimanje So you haven't tried it either?
  12. K

    Glycine and N-Acetyl Cysteine?

    @kimanje I already do all that stuff.
  13. K

    Glycine and N-Acetyl Cysteine?

    @lander777 Good Deal!
  14. K

    Glycine and N-Acetyl Cysteine?

    Update: The Glycine came in yesterday. I took one 600mg capsule last night after dinner and before bed and slept way better than taking Melatonin. When you get older like me getting a good nights sleep is more difficult, so that's a big plus already.
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    Glycine and N-Acetyl Cysteine?

    @heyanne Thanks for posting that. I read most of that thread as part of my own research before buying some. One thing I came away from that thread thinking was, "Damn some of those people are taking huge dosages of the stuff!" I'm starting out at only 600mg each. The main reason I'm trying...
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    Glycine and N-Acetyl Cysteine?

    @dawn16 Thanks for posting that. I'll have to read that study too. Curious what people thought about creatine when it first came to everyone's attention?
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    Glycine and N-Acetyl Cysteine?

    @jennywilliam So you've tried them both? If not how do you know? Have you been a part of a study? I'm asking if anyone has tried them. By the way... What exactly is "sleep hygiene?"
  18. K

    Gains possible over 50?

    @janeevans89 Short answer is: YES! Here's the long answer I cut and pasted from another reply to a similar question... As an older (62) experienced lifter I have seen the best gains by being consistent and working out and eating properly. I don't think people stress that enough. Everybody...
  19. K

    What's your fitness history?

    @karengodsgirlk2 I was a really bad skinny little football player in high school, but I was a good tennis player. Number one seed on the varsity team. Joined the Marines at 17 and served 6 years. Later served 2 years in the US Army National Guard Special Forces. I was about 165# and pretty...
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    Glycine and N-Acetyl Cysteine?

    @jennywilliam I already do all that stuff.