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  1. B

    Rate my [improved] plan!

    @steve126 Thanks for the input! I live in two different houses. At the one I’m at the most, the Y has a great weight room with lots of options for bars. The thing is, my other one I go to has very little of that and the spot is always busy. So I stuck with dumbbells. Besides, I’m doing 35lbs...
  2. B

    Rate my [improved] plan!

    @elishiva Great advice! Thanks! I’m interested in the 5/3/1 starting in the fall or winter after running this one a while. I basically took the 5x5 routine and modified it for what is most readily available: dumbbells.
  3. B

    Rate my [improved] plan!

    I posted here a few months ago as I was looking to have a solid workout routine…and built my own. The overwhelming consensus is that I focus on the Big 5 for a while instead of making a plan that was as one said “just a list of exercises.” I’m 42M 6’6” 180lbs, do fine athletically and like to...