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  1. F

    Why couldn’t I do a single pull-up?

    @abbarrane Any advices for me? I do a lot of pullups but just with arm strenght, I dont feel any lat activation and I cant go to the gym right now in my country to practise with the machine. Do you think theres an specific body movement that changes the effort from arms to lats? Like going with...
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    Need your help about working out hard without overtraining

    @longnguyen Woah ye, you are right thats super helpful, what I need to work on is doing that periodisation, creating a plan for the entire week/month, controlling the intensity to not overtrain. In case that doing that cause a little of overtraining, just deload like you do, thanks for the...
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    Need your help about working out hard without overtraining

    @longnguyen Hey! Thanks a lot for your answer. First of all, im not sure if I did the formatting properly, in the exercise A I only pick 1 exercise. So in total im doing for example 6-8 sets of pull ups, etc. So you think the best I could do is lower RPE generally and then add some weeks doing...
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    Need your help about working out hard without overtraining

    @dawn16 So you would drop a skill and stay on 3 exercises? The HSPU I dont take it as skill, Im doing it on the wall just to build more muscle, sometimes I do dips, just to hit the vertical pushing, would you still drop it? I would really love to hit the skills fast, im just worried to not build...
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    Need your help about working out hard without overtraining

    @dawn16 Hey! I have already changed my routine after seeing all the comments, now it looks something like this: Pull ups 4 sets of 3-6 reps (4-5 min rest) Handstand push up progression 4 sets of 1-5 (4-5 min rest) Front lever progression 4 sets of 5-15 secs (4-5 min rest) Planche...
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    Need your help about working out hard without overtraining

    @dawn16 Yes, 9.5-10 means AMRAP, when im doing pull ups I do it until I cant reach the bar. Thats one of the things I will be changing, Im using too much intensity in too much exercises. Thanks a lot for your advice and for linking that comment, is really interesting!
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    Need your help about working out hard without overtraining

    @dawn16 Ok nice advice, I will pay attention to compensate that way. Thats exactly what Im looking for, so in order to change my routine to train more moderate like you do what would you do? Lower the RPE generally in all exercises? Remove sets? Change the plan into something else? Thanks a...
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    Need your help about working out hard without overtraining

    @rh27 Dont know man, I was just telling the advice that I saw in multiple videos, maybe depending on the person it changes, I find much more challenging to my tendons and ligaments doing calisthenics (thing that I like because it makes me so much stronger in functional movements).
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    Need your help about working out hard without overtraining

    @rh27 Because you have compound movement that requires estabilization, you lock up extremitys. When you bench press, for example, you dont fully lock elbows in order to not add pressure to elbows, but if you are doing handstand push ups you have to fully lock them, etc. (Not really coming to my...
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    V-sit, planche progression- is my form good ?

    @shek Oh ye you right, okey, taking notes and adding it to my workout, thanks a lot! Good luck you too, lets improve!! :)
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    Need your help about working out hard without overtraining

    @rh27 Thank you very much for your responses, they are highly appreciated. Why do you think calisthenics and weights has the same chances of injuries? I find calisthenics much more dependant of tendons, ligaments, etc. Is that not the case for you?
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    V-sit, planche progression- is my form good ?

    @shek Oh I will then add the PPPU to my routine, I was just practising leans or holds depending on the day, I will put it all together and get stronger! I will also not push it too much, at the moment I feel like my left biceps is about to explode. Thanks a lot for your answer bro!
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    Need your help about working out hard without overtraining

    @dawn16 Hey! Thanks a lot for your answers. I will apply all of your advices. What you said about training weights 6 months / 6 months of calisthenics is very interesting. I thought about doing similar aswell. About what you did and the advice you gave me regarding overtraining I got a...
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    V-sit, planche progression- is my form good ?

    @shek I cant help you because my level on both exercises are a lot less than yours. At the moment i'm starting to work on my planche and I can do it with crossed legs tucked, do you think that will help me to improve it to where you are? did you do something different as regression of the...
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    Need your help about working out hard without overtraining

    @buzzy204 Yes! No I was thinking like: if I can do a max of 6 pull ups for 3 sets, change it to something like 3-4 pull ups, 4 sets. Or even regress to an easier version.
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    Need your help about working out hard without overtraining

    @buzzy204 I heared that people put it at the start when they want to prioritize getting skills faster than getting stronger on other exercises. I think I preffer getting better at pull ups, dips, etc. About the program he gave, it was at the end: Ab exercise-Back extension-Skill1 Since I...
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    Need your help about working out hard without overtraining

    @buzzy204 Hey! I already read the fist book you suggested, it was extremely interesting. So adding much more frequency with less fatigue and doing max 5 reps is the way to go. I will do that from now on, change intensity to do more sets instead of going to failure. About the routine, is...
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    Need your help about working out hard without overtraining

    @buzzy204 Ok first of all, thanks a lot for your long response. Recommending external sources will definitly help a lot (checking right after answering the comments). Few things I would like to ask you. ·You pointed out that this is the worst routine you have seen in your entire life. Is that...
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    Need your help about working out hard without overtraining

    Hello! I will write a long post detailing: My recent situation with overtraining. Some questions that would help me if you answer by giving me your opinion based on your own experience. My actual routine with reps/sets/effort used. My long term (hopefully shorter than longer!) goals. My recent...