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  1. J

    Lower body gains update from an Apple-shaped girlie

    @cje1991 Never went to a trainer but just a lotttttt of trial and error. I mean it when I say the entire first year was basically just me messing up and looking silly over and over again until I got decent enough at the basics that I could kinda get by. Squats especially did not come naturally...
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    Lower body gains update from an Apple-shaped girlie

    @serjj Usually 3-4 sets. Sometimes 5 on a burnout movement like kickbacks/ hamstring curls/leg extensions etc if I feel like I have some extra fuel in the tank
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    Lower body gains update from an Apple-shaped girlie

    @armsopen Thank you! I am 160cm. Program has varied over the years but I’ve always just written my own. This last year it’s been a 4 day split with lower body being 3 of the days. Always prioritizing squats of some variation, hip thrusts, and hinging movements, working in the 12-15 rep range...
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    UPDATE: girly home gym completed

    @kashanali897 Kitty !!!
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    Lower body gains update from an Apple-shaped girlie

    @cozicup You got this! Slow and steady wins the race :)
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    Lower body gains update from an Apple-shaped girlie

    @struggle101 Totally understand what you mean, me too. Honestly, doing both bulking and cutting over longer periods of time has worked a lot better for me personally versus taking the aggressive approach to either. Especially when it comes to cutting, it’s so much easier mentally for me just...
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    Lower body gains update from an Apple-shaped girlie

    @chantelle24 Thank you!! Bulking and cutting has been probably the biggest contributor to making visible physique gains but tbh I didn’t do a real cut/bulk cycle until almost two years into the journey. For me personally, since I’ve always been at a “healthy,” bodyweight it worked well to take...
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    Lower body gains update from an Apple-shaped girlie

    @randy321 Each time I’ve done a bulk/cut cycle it’s very much been a learning experience. This current cut I’m on atm I’ve essentially been eating all the same foods, just reducing portion size by probably 15%, which puts me at about 1700-1800 calories a day. I always try my best to get 115-140g...
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    Lower body gains update from an Apple-shaped girlie

    @girlonfire89 Thank you. Honestly it’s such a constant process of checking myself. Have noticed myself slip back into disordered thought patterns a few times in previous cuts; this one being cut #4 though I definitely feel more equipped to deal with that when it inevitably comes up. Sorry to...
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    Lower body gains update from an Apple-shaped girlie

    @ec0684 here you go :)
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    Lower body gains update from an Apple-shaped girlie

    @stargazeruk Thanks! :)
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    Lower body gains update from an Apple-shaped girlie

    @shoeshavetongues Yeah fair enough! I thought the poses were similar enough but I guess the angle is a bit different haha
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    Lower body gains update from an Apple-shaped girlie

    March 2020 March 2024 BW in both photos: 61kg/135lbs Same leggings :-) Background: started lifting in January 2020 while recovering from an ED. First year or so was basically just me figuring out how to actually lift, getting my technique down, and making very little gains. I started noticing...