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  1. J

    For hypertrophy, would it be a good idea to start heavy at a weight I can do 5-6 reps with until the number gets double digit'd?

    @revbillw What will you do if you can’t add a rep? When trying to figure out what progression to use, it’s kinda useless unless you have a clear idea what to do when you stall (because you will) and that’s where programming matters.
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    Made absolutely no progress in the past year when I had pretty much everything dialed in, starting to lose motivation..

    @wmsgil well first off, you look great so keep that in mind if you're ever getting too harsh on yourself. besides that, i think this is just a classic case of staying too small. spending a year below 170 at 6' when you're already quite developed imo is not gonna be super productive in terms of...
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    To those of you who feel you've mastered pushing to true failure, do you get grindy reps no matter the exercise?

    @jacob40524 there's a million definitions of failure, it's silly to worry about it too much imo - push hard and ensure your workouts are progressive in some fashion and then recover from that. if you really want to talk about true failure, it'd be something like the full ROM for x weight then...
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    Efficacy of 2 to 3 month mini bulks?

    @fatalfantasy a lot of this depends on bodyfat percentage and how well you handle training in a deficit. if you're doing this in the 15-25% bodyfat range, tbh i doubt there'll be much difference at all (provided you're able to train well and you don't aggressively diet and tank performance)...
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    Why do gear users have different Protein requirements

    @icd idk why downvoted - if you have 200lbs of LBM compared to a natural 160Lbs of LBM, you're gonna need more protein to sustain that, let alone build even more
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    Has anyone actually had a success story with their calves?

    @kaieraai Bro science but I think they just need a lot of and frequent stimulus. Best calves of my life was when I was untrained 300lbs but walking constantly. I’ve done hundreds of calf workouts since being much leaner and haven’t been able to get back close to where they were when I was fat...
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    Jeff Nippard Fullbody: Should I rely only in progressing by reps and let RPE aside?

    @greenmart123 probably not - you'll still have to judge RPE with this method and practically, you'll either end up following his RPE recommendation or end up being like 4-5 RIR and getting a few relatively useless sessions. idk how the program works or his progression, but if you can't follow it...
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    Protein g per kg of bodyweight guidelines for bulking vs maintenance vs recomp vs cutting?

    @asperd I just think about it in terms of needing “enough”. During a cut, you are losing weight and your body has to pull energy from somewhere - so you train hard and over feed protein to make sure it doesn’t pull from muscle tissue. During maintenance, by definition, you’re just maintaining so...
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    Your take/thoughts on Hard Sets (e.g: 0-2 RIR)

    @theodor98 i'm not convinced proximity to failure matters - imo it's all about finding the amount of volume (total reps) with a given intensity (% of 1rm) and a given frequency (how often muscle is trained) that facilitates progressive overload. if you're training at a productive combination of...
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    What do you think of my PPL routine? Beginner looking for advice

    @jake3134 sounds good. then it's just a matter of evaluating if the changes are beneficial, and keep adjusting from there
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    What do you think of my PPL routine? Beginner looking for advice

    @jake3134 when you get to the end of your cut, rearrange whatever you're doing at that point into a PPL if you want to do a PPL setup. so if you're doing 3 chest 2 shoulders and a triceps on your upper day - just make that your push day. don't (and imo shouldn't) need to change anything else. as...
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    My issues with measuring hypertrophy by strength increase

    @deejayjr in terms of time - depends how you set up your workouts. i do full body and my max session is 1.5 hours and its more like an hour tops. most exercises should be staying between 60-80% of max (like 6-25RM depending on lift) - so for 30 reps, that's at most 5-6 sets which is not crazy in...
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    If I don’t get 4-8 hours of sleep how much is it hurting my gains?

    @1ambassador as long as you can get your workout volume in and eat enough, imo you're good. don't stress over it, obviously try to do all the things you can to get your sleep in order, but out of all the variables that affect hypertrophy i think it's one of the more overrated ones.
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    The MYTH of higher frequency for 'smaller' muscles b/c they recover faster?

    @vsw874 i take most exercise science studies with more of a grain of salt than i do anecdote at this point.
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    “Renaissance periodization has jumped the shark” - Alex Bromley. Any thoughts on this video?

    @tennille i think there are objectively better and worse paths given different contexts, though, and i think it's beneficial to discuss them. lift consistently with progressive overload in a calorie surplus - that's starting strength. nobody serious about bodybuilding recommends starting...
  16. J

    My issues with measuring hypertrophy by strength increase

    @dawn16 the top set drives the overall progression, but weight always goes up every session. for example, an exercise that my best set has given me an estimated max of 115lbs - the 9 weeks of training will look like this: 70lbs for 30 total reps (70 x30), 72.5 x28, 75 x26, 77.5 x24, 80 x22...
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    My issues with measuring hypertrophy by strength increase

    @dawn16 yeah, i mean theoretically, if you're progressing at the correct rate and eating enough, etc. you should always be recovering enough. in terms of time constraints, ideally you wouldn't have any, but obviously this is reality. my workouts rarely go above 1.5 hours (usually an hour actual...
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    My issues with measuring hypertrophy by strength increase

    @dawn16 You should always try to progress tension, if you’re not giving your muscle a tension stimulus above what your muscle needs to grow - you won’t grow. Program based on your recovery and ideally match to your rate of strength progression in hypertrophy rep ranges. Failure is just a tool...
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    Been training for years and on the verge of giving up due to lack of progress, what should I do?

    @barefoothannahb yea i mean lower body progress is solid enough - i would imagine you've put on some muscle to be able to hit those and it's not just due to getting technically better at the lifts. the pics you have are only frontal upper body though and yeah, the bench and ohp progress kinda...
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    Been training for years and on the verge of giving up due to lack of progress, what should I do?

    @barefoothannahb how much have your lifts progressed from the 2021 to the 2024 230lbs pics?